Installation and Upgrade > Updating an Existing Windchill Installation > Updating an Existing Installation > Updating Other Windchill Products > Windchill Gateway for Cadence Allegro Design Workbench
Windchill Gateway for Cadence Allegro Design Workbench
When the server is updated, the Info*Engine adapter that was created during a previous release is retained during the update process. There is no need to recreate this adapter on the Info*Engine page. However, you do need to download the latest Windchill Gateway for Cadence Allegro Design Workbench client installer from the updated server and reinstall the this client.
To reinstall the Windchill Gateway for Cadence Allegro Design Workbench client installer use the following procedure:
1. From the Windchill home page, navigate to Quick Links > Software Downloads.
2. Click Cadence Allegro Design Workbench Adapter Installation.
3. Download the installer file, and then extract it to the client machine. The installer file can be found using the steps outlined below.
4. Click setup.vbs.