Advanced Customization > Services and Infrastructure Customization > System Configuration Collector Plugin > Creating a System Configuration Collector Plugin > Sample Code > Examples of Usage in Windchill Code
Examples of Usage in Windchill Code
com.ptc.customersupport.mbeans package
This Java package contains the AbstractPlugin and PluginMBean interface. It also contains additional utility classes that can be utilized in creating plugins such as the and
com.ptc.customersupport.mbeans.plugin package
This Java package contains many of the abstract classes seen in the UML diagram and discussed in Solution Elements. This package includes
com.ptc.customersupport.mbeans.plugin.logs package
This Java package contains concrete plugin implementations that are of PluginType logs. These plugins are generally responsible for collecting log files. Log4jFilesPlugin, WindchillLogsPlugin and WDSLogsPlugin are examples that vary in complexity.
com.ptc.customersupport.mbeans.plugin.misc package
This Java package contains concrete plugin implementations that are of PluginType misc. These plugins are generally responsible for collecting miscellaneous information. UpgradeFolderPlugin, MigrationReportsFolderPlugin and WtSafeAreaFolderPlugin are examples that vary in complexity. package
This Java package contains concrete plugin implementations that are of PluginType properties. These plugins are generally responsible for collecting properties files. DbPropertiesPlugin, DeclarationsXconfPlugin and IePropertiesPlugin are examples that vary in complexity.
com.ptc.customersupport.mbeans.plugin.third package
This Java package contains concrete plugin implementations that are of PluginType third. These plugins are generally responsible for collecting third party product information. ApacheConfFolderPlugin, ApacheLogsPlugin and CogStartupXmlPlugin are examples that vary in complexity.
com.ptc.customersupport.mbeans.plugin.util package
This Java package contains concrete plugin implementations that are of PluginType util. These plugins are generally responsible for collecting utility information. GatherInfoScriptPlugin, MBeanDumpPlugin and WDSMBeanDumpPlugin are examples that vary in complexity. is a complex plugin that does not rely on the collect(…) method implementations of the Abstract classes. This plugin can be examined to provide greater insight into creating complex plugins that implement the collect(…) methods in a manner that doesn’t make use of the Abstract classes implementations of collect(…) methods or the collection framework directly.
Packaged Samples
PTC provides packaged plugin sample code at <Windchill>/utilities/SystemConfigurationCollector/plugins/examples. This directory contains packaged samples that maintain the com.ptc.customersupport.* packaging in a sample subdirectory. These can be examined to see how one can make use of SQL, QML, Java commands, etc inside a plugin.