Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Deploying Arbortext Customizations > Annonymous Arbortext Access
Annonymous Arbortext Access
Process Overview
To host an XML Application in Windchill and use it from Arbortext Editor:
1. Create a zip archive of the custom directory structure.
2. Log in to Windchill, locate a Product or Library (or create one if needed), and then select the Folders second-level navigation for the container.
Only Products and Libraries are supported. Other containers (Site, Org, Program, Project) are not supported by this feature.
3. Create a folder (if needed) to hold the Arbortext customizations. This folder can be at the top-level or it can be nested inside some other folder (at any depth).
4. Inside that same Product or Library, bring up the Preference Management utility, expand the Arbortext preference group, and locate the Customizations Folder preference.
5. Edit that preference and enter the name and path of the desired folder. Some example values are:
Arbortext Customizations
Top level folder with a space in the folder name.
Top level folder called “Arbortext” with a child folder called “Applications”.
Having set this preference, any WTDocument objects in the specified folder will now be available via anonymous HTTP. (specific details on constructing the URL will come later in this document).
6. Upload the zip file into the desired folder. When creating the document in Windchill, the “Type” and “CAGE Code” values do not matter.
7. Put the anonymous access URL for your archive into the browser and verify that you can successfully download the zipped archive. See Anonymous Access URL Format for information on the anonymous access URL.
8. Set the APTCUSTOM environment variable to the anonymous access URL for your zip archive and launch Arbortext Editor to use the customizations.
For more information on zipped Arbortext customizations, see the "Deploying zipped customizations" section of the Arbortext Help Center (Programming > Arbortext Customizer's Guide > Custom applications > Deploying zipped customizations).