Installation and Upgrade > Advanced Deployment Considerations > Advanced Database Configurations > Configuring Windchill with Oracle Data Guard > Configuring an Existing Windchill Oracle Database for use with Oracle Data Guard
Configuring an Existing Windchill Oracle Database for use with Oracle Data Guard
Complete the following steps to configure an existing Windchill Oracle database for use with Oracle Data Guard.
1. Stop Windchill.
2. Back up the existing Windchill database, and verify that the backup is valid.
3. Configure and verify Oracle Data Guard following the information provided by Oracle:
PTC strongly recommends selecting MaxProtection as the Data Guard Protection mode to avoid any data inconsistencies immediately after a database failover. While assuring data consistency, this protection mode can negatively affect overall system performance.
4. Configure the client failover service for Oracle Data Guard using the Client Failover Best Practices white paper for JDBC applications provided by Oracle ( or Oracle support documents 461874.1 or 1429223.1.
5. From a Windchill shell, run the following command to set the needed properties, replacing the variables with values appropriate for your system:
xconfmanager -s wt.pom.dbConnectionRetryCount=60 -t "db/"
(DELAY=5))))" -t "db/"
xconfmanager -s wt.pom.jdbc.port="" -t "db/"
xconfmanager -s wt.pom.jdbc.service="" -t "db/"
xconfmanager -p
6. Start Windchill.
7. Verify that all Windchill functionality works as expected.