What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 M010 > Optionally Enabled Features > Windchill Service Information Manager: Automated Publishing of Localized Structures
Windchill Service Information Manager: Automated Publishing of Localized Structures
Product: Windchill Service Information Manager
Release: 11.0 M010
When using Windchill Service Information Manager to publish information and publication structures in multiple languages, you no longer need to wait until all languages become available to complete a publishing run.
Additional Details
When Automated Publishing is enabled, the publishing run will now succeed for representations of all available languages. Representations for which languages are not yet available will be assigned a status of Pending. Representations will maintain their pending status until the first time they are republished after the language becomes available.
If desired, publishing runs can be configured so they succeed for languages where content is available, but attributes have yet to be translated. Availability is determined based on the values of the CompleteTranslationCheck and onContentHolderLinkFailed WVS Worker parameters.
Related Information
For more information on using automated publishing, see Publish Representation.
For more information on the CompleteTranslationCheck and onContentHolderLinkFailed parameters, see Service Worker Parameters.