What’s New > Windchill Workgroup Manager > 11.0 F000 > Windchill Workgroup Manager Toolkit: New and Enhanced Toolkit API Functions to Read Subfolder Structure, Enable Export From Workspace, Register or Unregister Authoring Applications, and Access Windchill File System
Windchill Workgroup Manager Toolkit: New and Enhanced Toolkit API Functions to Read Subfolder Structure, Enable Export From Workspace, Register or Unregister Authoring Applications, and Access Windchill File System
Product: Windchill Workgroup Manager Toolkit
Release: 11.0 F000
New and enhanced Windchill Workgroup Manager Toolkit API functions enable the following operations: programmatically (automatically) read Windchill folder and subfolder structure information, programmatically export objects from workspace to local file system, register or unregister authoring applications, access to Windchill File System, and the ability to copy or delete files in the Windchill File System.
Additional Details
A new API function “UwgmFolderReader” is introduced to programmatically read Windchill folder structure information.
The API function UwgmFolderReader only reads the folder and subfolder structure or information. It does not read the contents of the folder.
A new API function enables you to programmatically export objects from workspace to the local file system.
A new API function registers and unregisters authoring applications, so you can ensure that users configure their clients correctly. The API also enables you to list all registered authoring applications.
A new API function is introduced so that Windchill Workgroup Manager Toolkit has access to the Windchill File System and can copy or delete files in the Windchill File System.
For more information, see New Toolkit API Function to Read Sub-folder Structure, Enhanced Toolkit API Functions to Enable Export From Workspace, New Toolkit API Function to Register or Unregister Authoring Applications, and New Toolkit API Function to Access Windchill File System.