What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 M030 > End User > Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill: Configure Performance Advisor Agent
Performance Advisor for PTC Windchill: Configure Performance Advisor Agent
Product: Windchill
Release: 11.0 M030
Performance Advisor Agent is installed automatically during Windchill installation.
Additional Details
The Performance Advisor agent provides the following capabilities:
Enables you to opt-in to sending Windchill data to Performance Advisor, enabling additional value add capabilities.
Single transport agent for System Monitor and Windchill Performance Advisor data.
Supports multiple System Monitor and Windchill environments; for example, test, preproduction, and production environments.
Performance Advisor agent is a standalone process that can be deployed on any system within your environment. You can use the Performance Advisor agent to send diagnostic data from the Windchill servers instead of the Windchill servers sending the data directly to PTC over HTPPS. Sometimes, due to security protocols, the necessary ports on your Windchill servers may be disabled. This restricts the outgoing HTTPS connections to PTC; therefore, as an alternate solution, you can deploy the Performance Advisor agent on a secondary machine that is capable of making secure web socket requests.
Related Information
For more information on Performance Advisor agent, see Performance Advisor Agent Quick Start Guide.