What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 F000 > End User > Team Templates Page Enhanced to Replace Team Administration Java Applet
Team Templates Page Enhanced to Replace Team Administration Java Applet
Product: Windchill PDMLink
Release: 11.0 F000
The enhanced Team Templates page user interface provides a unified user experience for managing team templates throughout Windchill and replaces the Java-based Team Administration utility to resolve usability concerns stemming from the use of Java applets with changes to JRE 7 and later, which prompts multiple security warning messages.
Additional Details
The Java-based Team Administration utility from earlier releases has been replaced with HTML user interface elements on the Team Templates page. In previous releases, and after changes to Java 7 and later, users frequently encountered security prompts when opening the Java Team Administration utility. The Team Administration link on the Utilities pages for Products, Libraries, Organizations, and Site now opens the Team Templates page. Additionally, the Team Templates view on the Templates page for Products, Libraries, Organizations, and Site has the same team template management functionality as the Team Templates page.
The Java-based team template create and edit windows have also been replaced with HTML user interfaces: New Team Template and Edit Team Template.
For information, see Team Template Administration.