What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 M020 > End User > Windchill Customer Experience Management: Importing FMEA Information from a Spreadsheet
Windchill Customer Experience Management: Importing FMEA Information from a Spreadsheet
Product: Windchill, Windchill Quality Solutions, Windchill Customer Experience Management
Release: 11.0 M020
Customers can now import FMEA information from a spreadsheet, reducing manual input.
Additional Details
Customers can import information for failure effects, failure modes, and harm hazards from a spreadsheet.
Non-integer values on import are rounded to integer values.
To determine the quality container in which failure mode, failure effect, and harm hazard objects are created, use the Quality Container for FMEA Import from Spreadsheet preference. Add the name of the quality container in the Value field.
To import information, do the following:
1. Click the initialize import job icon . The Import from Spreadsheet window appears.
2. Browse to the file.
3. From the Import Action list, select either ADD AND UPDATE or ADD ONLY. The other options are not supported.
4. Click Validate Spreadsheet.
If the validation is successful, the “Validation Succeeded” message appears.
If errors appear in the Errors and Warnings table, do the following:
1. Review the messages in the Errors and Warnings table.
2. Update the spreadsheet as needed.
3. Save the spreadsheet.
4. Browse to the spreadsheet and click Validate Spreadsheet.
5. Click Finish.
Imported FMEA objects are accessible in the FMEA table on the part information page. To display this table, in a new tab, select Customize > General > FMEA.
Related Information
For more information, see Failure Effects, Failure Modes, and Harm Hazards and How to Import Data from Excel.