What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 F000 > End User > Service Structure: Information Structure Ordering
Service Structure: Information Structure Ordering
Product: Windchill Service Information Manager, Windchill Service Parts
Release: 11.0 F000
In Windchill Service Information Manager, information structures can be reordered using line numbers.
Additional Details
Line numbers are now assigned for all object types:
A line number is automatically assigned to any new object added to the information structure using the following actions:
Insert New
Insert Existing
Copy and Paste
Replace with Local Copy
Objects are added as the first child of the selected node by default. Objects can be moved by changing the line number value.
If siblings need to be renumbered on an insert, only the siblings with existing line numbers are renumbered. Items with no line number remain unchanged and are sorted alphabetically.
Line numbers are numbered in increments of 1000.
When Insert Existing is used, new line numbers are added for the existing object, but its children remain unchanged.
If its children have objects with line numbers, those line numbers are retained.
If its children do not have objects with line numbers, new line numbers are not included.
The Line Number column for an information structure is now displayed out-of-the-box.
The default sort column for the information structure tree is the Line Number column.
Users can toggle between line number and name. The toggle can be configured by administrators using the sortISByLineNumber property in the site level xconf file. This property is set to true by default to sort by line number. Setting the property to false sorts by name by default.
Users can edit the line number on any object within an information structure. The line number can be set to any integer value. If a user sets the value to an existing line number, the line numbers automatically recalculate to avoid duplication.
When generating a publication structure or a new information structure from an existing information structure, the line number is copied. Line numbers are generated to reflect the order of the information structure.
If all siblings have line numbers, all line numbers are carried over from the information structure.
If only some of the siblings have line numbers, all siblings are renumbered. They are sorted by line number, then by type, then by name.
If new items are added to the publication structure and these items do not have a line number, these items are inserted as the first or last child within the publication structure.
For more information, see Moving Elements in a Service Structure.