What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 F000 > End User > Windchill Customer Experience Management: Aging and Cycling Reports
Windchill Customer Experience Management: Aging and Cycling Reports
Product: Windchill, Windchill Quality Solutions, Windchill Customer Experience Management
Release: 11.0 F000
Windchill Customer Experience Management has been updated with new aging and cycling reports to assist with managing customer experiences.
Additional Details
The aging report shows how long each workflow task (workitem) of a customer experience is in the Running state. This time is calculated as the duration between the start date and the current date along with the aging bracket they belong to. The values of aging brackets can be set using the Aging Bracket preference. You can set the preferences for the aging report under Preference Management > Reports > Query Builder > Aging Bracket. The values for the Aging Bracket are set to 30, 60, 90, 120 by default. These values correspond to the duration of the workflow state in days.
The cycling report shows the total workflow cycle days of each workflow task (workitem) of a customer experience in a particular state, along with the workflow cycle time between the Intake and the Closed state of a customer experience.