What’s New > Windchill Workgroup Manager > 11.0 M030 > CAD Data Management: Windows Update for Universal C Runtime
CAD Data Management: Windows Update for Universal C Runtime
Product: Windchill Workgroup Manager
Release: 11.0 M030
You must have the Microsoft Universal C Runtime in Windows installed on the local or network computer where you want to install Windchill Workgroup Manager.
Additional Details
If you do not have the required Windows update, the following steps describe what occurs and what action to take:
1. The message “The Windows update for Universal C Runtime is required for the installation to continue.” appears during installation.
2. There is an automatic exit from the installer.
3. Visit the Microsoft web page Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows.
4. Install the required update.
After you complete the update, you can install Windchill Workgroup Manager 11.0 M030.