Advanced Customization > Info*Engine User’s Guide > Task Webject Reference > Management Webjects > Query-TypeHierarchy
Allows retrieval of information about existing type hierarchies. The Info*Engine group created contains information for each type found within a type hierarchy and a list of its ancestor or descendant types (depending on the direction of the traversal). The output group can be formatted as either a flat list of types, or as a nested group that reflects the structure of the type hierarchy.
<ie:webject name="Query-TypeHierarchy" type="MGT">
  <ie:param name="RESOLVER" data="typeGraph"/>
  <ie:param name="TYPE" data="typeName"/>
  <ie:param name="DIRECTION"
            data="ANCESTORS | DESCENDANTS | BOTH"/>
  <ie:param name="MODE" data="NESTED | FLAT"/>
  <ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="groupName"/>
Specifies the direction of traversal. Acceptable values are ANCESTORS, DESCENDANTS, and BOTH. The default value is BOTH. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the name of the Info*Engine group in which to store the type hierarchy information.
The contents and format of the group depend on the values of TYPE, DIRECTION, and MODE.
If MODE is specified with a value of FLAT, the output group contains one element per type; each element contains two attributes type and ancestors.
If MODE is specified with a value of NESTED, the output group contains a single top-level element containing two attributes: type, and either ancestors or descendants.
Whether ancestors or descendants is used depends on the value specified for DIRECTION. If DIRECTION is specified with a value of ANCESTORS, the ancestors attribute is included, otherwise descendants is used. The value of the ancestors or descendants attribute is an Info*Engine element representing the next type in the hierarchy, and in turn its ancestors or descendants.
If a type hierarchy supports additional information per type in the hierarchy, additional attributes may be included in each element of the output group. For example, the Windchill implementation tells whether a particular type in the hierarchy is modeled or soft by including an attribute named definition whose value can be one of the following: interface, class, or soft.
The default value for this parameter is hierarchy. This parameter is optional.
Specifies how the output group is formatted. Acceptable values are: FLAT or NESTED. The default value is FLAT.
Specifies the name of the type hierarchy implementation in which TYPE can be found. Currently there are two acceptable values for this parameter:
com.infoengine.schema.type.LDAPTypeHierarchyGraph — Allows traversal of type hierarchies stored in LDAP.
com.ptc.core.adapter.server.impl.WindchillTypeHierarchyGraph — Allows traversal of Windchill type hierarchies (requires Windchill be installed).
The default value is com.infoengine.schema.type.LDAPTypeHierarchyGraph. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the name of the type at which to begin traversing the type hierarchy. This is a required parameter.