最新情報 > Windchill > > Windchill REST Services > Archived Release Notes > Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.4
Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.4
Changes in Windchill REST Services 2.4 are described in this section.
Best Practices for Improving Windchill REST Services Performance
Best practices for improving the performance of Windchill REST Services are detailed in a new topic in the Help.
General Capabilities
Ability to set/update security label attributes on securityLabeled entities.
Ability to specify the attributes or navigation properties of an entity as "Immutable" to allow setting the attributes or navigation properties only while creating an object, and to prevent updating them after the object is created.
Enhancements to GetWindchillMetaInfo() to get all metadata along with the display names for all objects in the Change Management domain.
Enhancements to GetWindchillMetaInfo() to get the global names and complex data types of properties in the response metadata.
Enhancements in the Data Administration, CAD Document Management, Product Platform Management, and Effectivity Management domains, which use the Windchill search service or WRS framework filtering capabilities to support:
$filter on the ID, CreatedBy, ModifiedBy, and View properties on entities and navigation entities in an entity set.
$orderby on the ID, CreatedBy, and ModifiedBy properties on entities and navigation entities in an entity set.
The Change Management domain and the Quality domains (CAPA, NC, and CEM) also support the searching/filtering by CreatedBy and ModifiedBy. This also includes the ability to search/filter by a list of IDs.
Ability to read, set, and modify the value of an Object Reference type of attribute implemented as a navigation property on Windchill objects.
Introduced a custom request header "PTC-WildcardSearch" to perform a wildcard (*) search on multiple structural properties of an entity when the request filter is set as true.
Wildcard filtering only supports eq, ne, startswith, endswith, and contains.
Wildcard filtering is not supported for actions, functions, navigation properties, enum and complex types.
Support for Customizing Domains
Ability to extend Product Management Domain to add an alias soft attribute to WTPart that maps to an attribute on WTPartMaster.
New Domain Added
The following new domain has been added to Windchill REST Services 2.4.
PTC Enterprise Systems Integration Domain (ESI)—Provides access to the enterprise systems integration capabilities of Windchill. For the 2.4 release, this domain has the following capabilities:
Ability to retrieve Distribution Targets associated with the Site/Organization context.
Ability to associate Distribution Targets to relevant Windchill objects.
Ability to retrieve Distribution Targets associated with Windchill objects.
Ability to remove Distribution Targets associated with Windchill objects.
Updates to the BOM Transformation Domain
The following are the updates to the BOM Transformation domain:
Ability to retrieve Made From Part information for a given collection of Made From Set OIDs and inline navigation criteria or navigation criteria OID.
Ability to retrieve Co-produce information for a given collection of Co-produce OIDs and inline navigation criteria or navigation criteria OID.
Ability to retrieve Made From Set information for a given collection of finished part OIDs and inline navigation criteria or navigation criteria OID.
Ability to retrieve Co-produce information for a given collection of finished part OIDs and inline navigation criteria or navigation criteria OID.
Ability to retrieve extended data (plant data and enterprise data) for Co-produce objects.
Ability to retrieve extended data (plant data and enterprise data) for Made From Set objects.
Ability to retrieve Made From, Made From Set, Co-produce information in manufacturing BOM for the specified Part and navigation criteria.
Ability to retrieve extended data and department data information along with the manufacturing BOM.
Ability to retrieve Standard Control Characteristics in manufacturing BOM for the specified navigation criteria.
Ability to read the pending and product effectivities associated with Raw Material Links.
Ability to create Made From Sets along with relevant links for a given set of part OIDs optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to create Co-produce objects along with relevant links for a given set of part/Made From Set OIDs optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to insert Made From Parts for a given set of part/Made From Set OIDs optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to add secondary objects to Co-produce objects optionally in the context of a Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update and regenerate the structure of a single or multiple Co-produce objects optionally in the context of a Change (change task or change notice) and navigation criteria.
Ability to replace Made From Parts (Raw Materials) associated with finished parts or Made From Sets with other Made From Parts optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update multiple extended data objects optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update multiple department data objects optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update main or common attributes for a single or multiple extended data objects.
Ability to update main or common attributes for a single or multiple department data objects.
Ability to update multiple Made From Sets optionally in the context of a Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update multiple Co-produce objects optionally in the context of a Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update a single or multiple Secondary Co-produce Links for a given navigation criteria and in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update a single or multiple Co-produce Usage Links in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to remove a single or multiple plant data objects associated with a part.
Ability to remove department data associated with a plant data optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to remove a single or multiple Made From Parts (Raw Materials) associated with single or multiple finished parts or Made From Sets optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to remove a single or multiple Made From Set objects associated with single or multiple part objects optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to remove a single or multiple primary Co-produce objects associated with single or multiple part objects optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to remove a single or multiple secondary parts associated with a Co-produce object for the given navigation criteria optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to delete a specific iteration of the latest revision of a Made From Set object.
Ability to delete a single or multiple Made From Set objects.
Ability to delete a specific iteration of the latest revision of a Co-produce object.
Ability to delete a single or multiple Co-produce objects.
Ability to enable Check-in/Check-out/Undo Check-out/Set State/Revise operations on Made From Set and Co-produce objects.
The actions, navigations, and entities not functional with the Windchill versions prior to have been removed as part of the BomTransformation metadata cleanup performed in Windchill REST Services 2.4 for those Windchill releases. The actions, navigations, and entities not displayed by the entity data model (EDM), which is returned by the /Windchill/servlet/odata/BomTransformation/$metadata URL, are listed below.
In Windchill REST Services 2.4, the following actions have been hidden for the Windchill 11.1 M020,, and versions, as those are not functional with the Windchill releases:
In Windchill REST Services 2.4, the following actions have been hidden for the Windchill 11.1 M020 and versions, as those are not functional with the Windchill releases:
In Windchill REST Services 2.4, the following have been hidden for the Windchill 11.1 M020 version, as those are not functional with the Windchill release:
EntityType: RawMaterialLink
NavigationProperty: PartMadeFrom is not visible for ComplexType: RawMaterialListItem
NavigationProperty: MadeFromLink is not visible for ComplexType: RawMaterialListItem
Updates to the CAD Document Management Domain
The following are the updates to the CAD Document Management domain:
Introduced new GetDynamicStructureRepresentation API to retrieve the representation from a representable object.
Ability to update security labels for a single or multiple CAD Document objects.
Updates to the Change Management Domain
The following significant changes were made to the Change Management Domain:
Ability to create a standalone Change Issue (Problem Report or Variance) with one or more Affected Objects.
Ability to create a standalone Change Request with one or more Affected Objects.
Ability to create a Change Task with one or more Affected Objects or Resulting Objects for an existing Change Notice.
Ability to add one or more Affected Objects to an existing Change Issue (Problem Report or Variance).
Ability to add one or more Affected Objects to an existing Change Request.
Ability to modify attributes, including model/soft attributes on an Affected Object link for an existing Change Request.
Association of Change Management revisions (BOM Redlines) as Affected Objects to a Change object (Problem Report, Variance, Change Request) is prevented.
Association of Change Management revisions (BOM Redlines) as Affected Objects or Resulting Objects to Change Tasks is prevented.
Association of Change Management revisions (BOM Redline) as Changeables to CIAffectLinks, CRAffectLinks, CNAffectLinks, and ResultingLinks is prevented.
Ability to set pending effectivities for parts.
Ability to set pending effectivities for Process Plans, Operations, Sequences, Resources (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
Ability to update pending effectivities for an effectivity-managed Resulting Object (Process Plan, Operation, Sequence, Resources, Extended Data, Department Data) in the context of Change (Change Task).
Ability to delete pending effectivities for an effectivity-managed Resulting Object in the context of Change (change task).
Updates to the Effectivity Management Domain
The following are the updates to the Effectivity Management domain:
Ability to set product effectivities for Process Plans, Operations, and Sequences.
Updates to the Manufacturing Process Management Domain
The following significant changes were made to the Manufacturing Process Management domain:
Ability to navigate to related parts associated with a Process Plan and read information on the related parts and MPMPartToProcessPlanLink objects.
Ability to navigate to the Operation Holders (Operations and Sequences) associated with a Process Plan and read information on the Operation Holders.
Ability to navigate to the OperationHolderUsageLink (MPMOperationUsageLink and MPMSequenceUsageLink) objects associated with a Process Plan and read information on the OperationHolderUsageLink objects.
Ability to read the bill of process (BOP) with navigation criteria for a given Operation or Sequence.
Ability to navigate to the Operation Holders (Standard Procedure, Operations, and Sequences) associated with a Sequence and read information on the Operation Holders.
Ability to navigate to the OperationHolderUsageLink (MPMStandardProcedureLink, MPMOperationUsageLink, and MPMSequenceUsageLink) objects associated with a Sequence and read information on the OperationHolderUsageLink objects.
Ability to navigate to the Operation Holders (Standard Procedure and Operations) associated with an Operation and read information on the Operation Holders.
Ability to navigate to the OperationHolderUsageLink (MPMStandardProcedureLink and MPMOperationUsageLink) objects associated with an Operation and read information on the OperationHolderUsageLink objects.
Ability to navigate to the consumed Operated On Parts associated with an Operation and read information on the Operated On Parts and OperationToOperatedPartLink objects.
Ability to navigate to consumed (allocated) parts associated with an Operation and read information on consumed parts and MPMOperationToPartLink objects.
GetBOP with inline navigation criteria
Ability to navigate to related parts associated with a Process Plan and read information on the related parts and MPMPartToProcessPlanLink objects.
Ability to navigate to the Operation Holders (Operations and Sequences) associated with a Process Plan and read information on the Operation Holders.
Ability to navigate to the OperationHolderUsageLink (MPMOperationUsageLink, and MPMSequenceUsageLink) objects associated with a Process Plan and read information on the OperationHolderUsageLink objects.
Ability to read the BOP with inline navigation criteria for a given Sequence or Operation.
Ability to navigate to the Operation Holders (Standard Procedure, Operations, and Sequences) associated with a Sequence and read information on the Operation Holders.
Ability to navigate to the OperationHolderUsageLink (MPMStandardProcedureLink, MPMOperationUsageLink, and MPMSequenceUsageLink) objects associated with a Sequence and read information on the OperationHolderUsageLink objects.
Ability to navigate to the Operation Holders (Standard Procedure and Operations) associated with an Operation and read information on the Operation Holders.
Ability to navigate to the OperationHolderUsageLink (MPMStandardProcedureLink and MPMOperationUsageLink) objects associated with an Operation and read information on the OperationHolderUsageLink objects.
Ability to navigate to the consumed Operated On Parts associated with an Operation and read information on the Operated On Parts and OperationToOperatedPartLink objects.
Ability to navigate to consumed (allocated) parts associated with an Operation and read information on consumed parts and MPMOperationToPartLink objects.
Ability to read effectivities for a specific Process Plan, Operation, Sequence, Process Material, Tooling, Skill, and Work Center.
Ability to read security labels set on a specific Process Plan, Operation, Sequence, Process Material, Tooling, Skill, and Work Center.
Ability to read an option set associated with a specific Process Plan, Operation, Sequence, Process Material, Tooling, Skill, and Work Center.
Ability to retrieve changes associated with a specific Process Plan, Operation, Sequence, Process Material, Tooling, Skill, and Work Center.
Ability to retrieve MPMCompatibilityLinks and information about compatible resources associated with a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
Ability to retrieve assigned usage expression for MPM links marked as “Expression Assignable”.
Ability to retrieve information of resources (Process Materials, Skills, Toolings, or Work Centers) and parts in a resource structure for a given navigation criteria.
Ability to retrieve Described By Documents/Reference Documents/EPM Documents associated with a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
Ability to create a single or multiple MPMSCCOperationToStandardCCLink (Control Characteristic from Product) objects.
Ability to create multiple Process Plans (including Standard Procedures), Operations for an Operation Holder (Process Plan, Standard Procedure, Operation, or Sequence), Standard Operations, Sequences for a Sequence Holder (Process Plan or Sequence).
Ability to create multiple MPMOperationUsageLinks between an OperationHolder (Process Plan, Standard Procedure, Operation, or Sequence) and Standard Operations.
Ability to create an MPMStandardProcedureLink.
Ability to create multiple objects:
MPMOperationToStandardCCLink objects
MPMStdCCUsageToProcessPlanLink objects
MPMStandardCCUsageToResourceLink objects
MPMSCCOperationToStandardCCLink (Control Characteristic from Product) objects
Ability to create a single or multiple MPMCompatibilityLinks between a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and its compatible resources.
Ability to create a single or multiple resource uses links between a parent resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and the child resource or child part.
Ability to create a resource uses link with occurrences for a parent resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
Ability to create Part Tag links between an ObjectTaggableLink and multiple related parts for an Operation.
Ability to create a single or multiple References Document links for a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
Ability to create a single or multiple Described By Document links for a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
Ability to insert multiple Operations after an Operation.
Ability to assign security labels while creating a single or multiple Process Plans, Operations, Sequences, Standard CCs, Resources (Process Materials, Skills, Toolings, or Work Centers).
Ability to add a single or multiple EPM Documents to a single or multiple resources (Process Materials, Skills, Toolings, or Work Centers).
Ability to update the attributes for a given Process Plan or Standard Procedure, Operation or Standard Operation, Sequence, Standard CC, Process Material, Tooling, Skill, and Work Center.
Ability to update the attributes for multiple Process Plans or Standard Procedures, Operations or Standard Operations, Standard CCs, Sequences, Process Materials, Toolings, Skills, and Work Centers.
Ability to update the identity of a single or multiple Process Plans, Operations, Sequences, Process Materials, Toolings, and Skills.
Ability to update the attributes for multiple objects:
MPMOperationToStandardCCLink objects
Ability to update a single or multiple Process Plans or Standard Procedures, Operations or Standard Operations, Sequences, Standard CCs, Process Materials, Toolings, Skills, and Work Centers in the context of Change.
Ability to update attributes on a resource uses link between a parent resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and the child resource or child part.
Ability to update product effectivities for Process Plans, Operations, and Sequences.
Ability to edit security labels for a single or multiple Process Plans, Operations, Sequences, Standard CCs, Resources (Process Materials, Skills, Toolings, or Work Centers).
Ability to delete a single or multiple Process Plans and Standard Operations optionally in the context of Change.
Ability to delete multiple objects:
Ability to delete a single or multiple MPMPartToProcessPlanLinks, MPMOperationToPartLinks, OperationToOperatedPartLinks, MPMOperationToConsumableLinks, MPMOperationToStandardCCLinks, MPMStandardCCToResourceLinks, MPMStdCCUsageToResourceLinks, MPMEPMDocumentDescribeLinks, MPMDocumentDescribeLinks, MPMStandardCCUsageToDDLinks optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to delete multiple PartTagLinks for an Operation.
Ability to delete a specific OperationHolderUsageLink for an Operation Holder.
Ability to delete a single or multiple MPMCompatibilityLinks between a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and its compatible resources optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to delete a single or multiple associations between a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and Described By Documents optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to delete a single or multiple associations between a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and References Documents optionally in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to delete product effectivities for Process Plans, Operations, and Sequences.
Ability to delete a single or multiple CAD documents associated with a resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
Updates to the Product Management Domain
The following are the updates to the Product Management domain:
Ability to search/filter on parts using $filter on the View property.
Introduced new GetDynamicStructureRepresentation API to retrieve the representation from a representable object.
Ability to create multiple uses with occurrences for a given part.
Ability to update multiple Primary Co-produce Links for the given navigation criteria and in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update Manufacturing Raw Material Links for a part or Made From Set and in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update Raw Material Alternate Made From Links for a part and in the context of Change (change task or change notice).
Ability to update product effectivities for an effectivity-managed part object.
Ability to delete product effectivities for an effectivity-managed part object.
Updates to the Product Platform Management Domain
The following are the updates to the Product Platform Management domain:
This domain was restricted with the preference check for Configurable Module Support set to Yes in Utilities > Preference Management > Options and Variants at the Site level. By removing the check on the preference, the Options and Variants capability is available even though Configurable Module Support is set to Yes only at the Context level.
Updates to the Quality Domains
The following are the updates to the CAPA, NC, and CEM domains:
Ability to view and set security labels for the objects in the CAPA, NC, and CEM domains.