最新情報 > Windchill > > Windchill REST Services > Archived Release Notes > Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.0
Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.0
Changes in Windchill REST Services .2.0 are described in this section.
Domains Added
The following domain has been added in Windchill REST Services 2.0:
PTC UDI Domain—The PTC UDI domain services allow you to read the UDI super set data, and to create and modify the UDI super set objects.
Support for Entity References
Support for CRD operations when entity references are used in place of the entities themselves as per the OData specification.
Added GetAllVariantSpecifications to OptionSet in the ProdPlatformMgmt Domain
The GetAllVariantSpecifications function retrieves all the variant specifications for a found option set.
Soft-type Attributes on Part Uses Occurrences
For WRS 2.0 and later versions, soft-type attributes defined as Part Uses Occurrence Attributes in Windchill, can be retrieved for the UsageOccurrenceentity without any customization.
Added New Navigation Endpoint FolderContents
New navigation property/endpoint FolderContents on the Folder entity allows users to browse contents in a folder. The response contains the complete entity representation. Type-casting support allows users to filter out specific types of entities.
Return Create/Edit visibility constraints of attributes specified in Windchill Type Manager
The getconstraints function returns the PropertyConstraints type that contains information about the visibility constraints in Windchill for each attribute.
Updated Olingo library to version 4.7.1
The Olingo library that is used for Windchill REST Services 2.0 is updated to version 4.7.1.
Notification for Product Management Domain
As a result of a software defect, the Product Management domain version v5 in WRS 2.1 and WRS 2.1.1 incorrectly includes the following entity types:
PTC recommends the following:
Do not use these entity types in their REST URLs for the Product Management domain
Do not extend the Product Management domain to enable additional operations on these entity types
SPR 11245128 has been filed for this issue and will be fixed in WRS 2.1.2 by removing these entity types from the Product Management domain version v5.