Configuring Entities in a Domain
Entities available in domains are configured by creating the following two files in the entity folder:
<Entity JSON>
<Entity JS>
The name of the <Entity JSON> file is the plural of the entity name, and has .json specified as extension in its file name. For example, Parts.json contains the configuration of the entity Part. Similarly, <Entity JS> file is the plural of the entity name, and has .js specified as extension in its file name.
The .json file specifies the structural properties, navigation properties, inheritance of Windchill functionality, bound functions, and bound actions of an entity. The .js file contains JavaScript implementation of the bound actions and functions of an entity, and also contains implementation of hooks provided by customizers to override or enhance framework processing logic for the entity.
Excluding Soft Attributes from EDM
If an entity inherits SoftAttributable v5+, you can use a new entity JSON configuration option wcExcludedAttributes to provide a collection of internal names of soft attributes that the SoftAttributable should ignore and not generate them in the Entity Data Model (EDM). To do this, edit the <Entity JSON> file and specify the internal names of the soft attributes to be excluded as shown below:
"wcExcludedAttributes": [