release Class
The Windchill ESI release class of the Releasable object. A value is required for this attribute. This contains strings such as com.ptc.windchill.esi.Part or com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.ProcessPlan. Refer to the path <WT_HOME>\codebase\com\ptc\windchill\esi to open the file ESIResponseMetaInfo.xml for appropriate release class value of Releasable objects.
release object type
The class type of Releasable object. A value is required for this attribute. This contains strings such as wt.part.WTPart or com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.MPMProcessPlan.
release object number
The number of the Releasable object. A value is required for this attribute.
release object version
The version of the Releasable object. A value is optional for this attribute.
release object iteration
The iteration of the Releasable object. A value is optional for this attribute.
release object view
The view of the Releasable object. A value is optional for this attribute.
distribution target number
The number of the distribution target. A value is required for this attribute.
publication date
The date on which the information was published to ERP. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. The time portion should be represented as GMT. If the date is not provided in the specified format, the date and time will default to the current time in the time zone of the Windchill server.
publication action
The action of the publication. A value is required for this attribute. This is a string which can be create, change, or delete.
container path
The container path of the Releasable object. A value is optional for this attribute.
The publish message for release activity. A value is optional for this attribute.
eff Context
Effectivity context (part number) of the object being published.
change Number
Previous change number of the object being published.
release Class
The Windchill ESI release class of the Releasable object. A value is required for this attribute. This contains strings such as com.ptc.windchill.esi.Part or com.ptc.windchill.esi.mpml.ProcessPlan. Refer to the path <WT_HOME>\codebase\com\ptc\windchill\esi to open the file ESIResponseMetaInfo.xml for appropriate release class value of Releasable objects.
releasable link type
The class type of Releasable link. A value is required for this attribute. This contains a string such as com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.MPMPartToProcessPlanLink.
object type of roleA of link
The object type of the roleA object of the link.
object number of roleA of releasable link
The object number of the roleA object of the Releasable link object. A value is required for this attribute.
version of roleA object of releasable link
The version of the roleA object of the Releasable link object. A value is optional for this attribute.
iteration of roleA object of releasable link
The iteration of the roleA object of Releasable link object. A value is optional for this attribute.
view of roleA object of releasable link
The view of the roleA object of Releasable link object. A value is optional for this attribute.
container path of roleA object of releasable link
The container path for the roleA object of the Releasable link object for which release history is being loaded.
Specify a value for this attribute only if the roleA and roleB objects of the link (say, a WTPartDescribeLink) are from different contexts. If they are both from the same context (for example the part and the document from same context), specify a value for container path instead.
object type of roleB of link
The object type of roleB object of the link.
object number of roleB of releasable link
The object number of the roleB of Releasable link object. A value is required for this attribute.
version of roleB object of releasable link
The version of the roleB of Releasable link object. A value is optional for this attribute
iteration of roleB object of releasable link
The iteration of the roleB of Releasable link object. A value is optional for this attribute.
view of roleB object of releasable link
The view of the roleB of Releasable link object. A value is optional for this attribute.
container path of roleB object of releasable link
The container path for the roleB object of the Releasable link object for which release history is being loaded.
Specify a value for this attribute only if the roleA and roleB objects of the link (say, a WTPartDescribeLink) are from different contexts. If they are both from the same context (for example the part and the document from same context), specify a value for container path instead.
distribution target number
The number of the distribution target. A value is required for this attribute.
publication date
The date of the publication. A value is optional for this attribute.
publication action
The action of the publication. A value is required for this attribute. This is a string which can be create, change, or delete.
container path
The container path of the Releasable object. A value is optional for this attribute and is specified only if both the roleA and roleB objects of the Releasable link object are from the same context.
The publish message for release activity. A value is optional for this attribute.