File Server Synchronization
If you do not use replicated vault configuration, skip this section. If you do use a replicated vault configuration, perform the following steps:
1. If you selected Update File Server Configuration in the Gather Upgrade properties phase in the Upgrade Manager, force Synch main and file server sites. Go to JConsole > wt.method.Method Server Main* MBeans > com.ptc > Monitors > Cache Vault Synch > Operation > SysForceSync.
There may be more than one wt.method.Method Server Main listed; in this case, select the first one.
2. Reconfigure or enable your replication schedules for the file server sites.
Update the File Server Configuration
If you do not use replicated vault configuration, or if you are performing a rehearsal upgrade, skip this section. If you do use a replicated vault configuration, perform the following steps during a production upgrade:
1. If file server sites had already been installed with the target release prior to main site upgrade, perform the following:
a. Start the remote file servers, access the main site and update the Replica site URL for each replica site by accessing File server administrator > Site Administration.
b. Regenerate keys and download keys from theFile Server Manager page and replace the old key on the file server with the new key.
2. If the file servers have not been reinstalled with the target release level yet, install the file server sites as described in the section Set Up File Servers. This ensures the file servers are all at the same release level with the main site.
3. Using the information saved earlier during Shut Down Remote File Servers, reconfigure or enable your replication schedules for the file server sites.
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