Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC Domains > PTC Document Management Domain > Actions Available in the PTC Document Management Domain
Actions Available in the PTC Document Management Domain
The following actions are available in the PTC Document Management domain:
The GetDocStructure action, along with $expand on the Structure navigation, returns the root document structure with the parent and child documents and the path details. The action is bound to the Document entity. The return type is the DocStructure entity, which represents the parent document structure that can be expanded to retrieve a parent and its child documents along with the path details.
The DocStructure entity returns the following attributes in the response:
DocumentID–The attribute returns the parent document ID.
DocumentUseID–The attribute returns the document usage link ID. A document usage link is the link between a parent document and its child document.
HasChildren–The attribute indicates whether a document has child documents in the structure. The attribute returns the Boolean value true or false.
The value is returned as true for a parent document that has child documents, which can have uses links to other child documents.
The value is returned as true for each child document that can be further expanded until the leaf node.
The value is returned as false for a document that has no child documents.
The value is returned as false for a leaf node.
HasUnresolvedObjectsByAccessRights–The attribute indicates whether you have access to all documents in the structure under the root document. The value is returned as null for all documents under the root document.
The value is set only on the root document of the structure. The attribute returns the Boolean value true or false only for the root document. It returns false when you have access to the documents under the root document. It returns true when you do not have access to one or more documents under the root document in the structure.
TreeId–The attribute returns the path of a child document from the top-level parent document in the structure. The attribute value is returned in the format, "/<child_document_number>-<document_usage_link_ID>". For example, "/0000000703-286094".
The DocStructure entity has the following navigation properties:
Document–Returns the parent document entity in the structure.
DocumentUse–Returns the document usage link between a parent document and its child document in the structure.
Structure–Returns a collection of child documents that are resolved using the latest configuration specification.
You can expand the Document, DocumentUse, and Structure navigation properties for more details.
The UpdateCommonProperties action edits the common properties of documents. The action is available only if you set the property hasCommonProperties to true in the Documents.json file.
The action must not be called on objects that are checked out.
The UploadStage1Action action is the first stage for uploading content for a document. The action enables you to specify the number of files to attach for uploading them to a document.
The UploadStage3Action action is the final stage for uploading content for a document. The action enables you to specify StreamId and other attributes for each file specified in the UploadStage1Action request for uploading them to a document.
The CreateDocuments action enables you to create a single or multiple documents.
The UpdateDocuments action enables you to update a single or multiple documents.
The DeleteDocuments action enables you to delete a single or multiple documents.
The EditDocumentsSecurityLabels action enables you to edit the security labels for a single or multiple documents.
Refer to the domain EDM for a complete list of actions.
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