PTC Supplier Management Domain
The PTC Supplier Management domain provides access to the supplier management capabilities of Windchill. Supplier management enables companies to integrate and manage supply chain data in Windchill. You can create supplier organizations in Windchill PDMLink and populate the database with manufacturer and vendor parts. You can also create and update Approved Manufacturer Part Lists (AMLs) and Approved Vendor Part Lists (AVLs). The AMLs and AVLs are created using the sourcing contexts. PTC Supplier Management domain is available only if you install Supplier Management module in Windchill.
The PTC Supplier Management domain enables you to read sourcing contexts and suppliers. Other supplier management objects such as, supplier part, manufacturer part, vendor part, and AXLEntry are available in the PTC Product Management domain. See the section PTC Product Management Domain, for more information.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the PTC Supplier Management domain. To see all the OData entities available in the PTC Supplier Management domain, refer to the EDM of the domain. The domain EDM is available at the metadata URL.
OData Entities
Sourcing context (sourcing relationship)
The SourcingContext entity represents the relationship between sourcing contexts in Windchill. Sourcing context is created in an organization and is used to create an AML or AVL in a specific context.
The Suppliers entity comprises the Manufacturers and Vendors entities in Windchill.
The Manufacturers entity represents the manufacturer organizations in Windchill.
The Vendors entity represents the vendor organizations in Windchill.
The SourcingContext entity and SourcingStatus complex type support filtering using $filter parameter along with the lambda operator ANY in the URL.
For more information on how to use lambda operator, see the guidelines explained in the section Support Classification Search Using ANY Operator with $filter Expression.
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