Processing of Secure Information
In the Windchill user interface inaccessible values for a particular user are shown as ‘Secured Information. Windchill REST Services also includes this information. The inaccessible structural properties will show with null value in the response, but the response will include also include an annotation PropertyName@PTC.AccessException where PropertyName is the secure property. The value of the annotation is as follows:
“Secured Information’ for simple properties.
“This collection contains one or more members for which you are not authorized” for collection type property.
This is illustrated in the examples below:
1. Simple property CreatedBy with inaccessible value is annotated as follows:
"ID": "OR:wt.part.WTPart:5966500",
"CreatedBy": null,
"CreatedBy@PTC.AccessException": "(Secured information)"
2. Complex type property ThreeDThumbnailURL where all the inner properties that is the 3D thumbnail FileName, FileSize, Format, MimeType etc are inaccessible, the complex type property is annotated at the top-level complex property ThreeDThumbnailURL as follows:
"ID": "OR:wt.viewmarkup.DerivedImage:90010",
"ThreeDThumbnailURL": null,
"ThreeDThumbnailURL@PTC.AccessException": "(Secured information)"
3. Complex type collection property AdditionalFiles where all the inner properties, that is the 3D thumbnail FileName, FileSize, Format, MimeType etc are inaccessible, the complex type property is annotated at the top-level complex property AdditionalFiles and the collection specific message is shown as follows:
"ID": "OR:wt.viewmarkup.DerivedImage:90010",
"AdditionalFiles@odata.type": "#Collection(PTC.Visualization.RepresentationHyperlink)",
"AdditionalFiles": [],
"AdditionalFiles@PTC.AccessException": "This collection contains one or more members for which you are not authorized."
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