Actions Available in the BACMgmt Domain
The following actions are available in the BACMgmt domain:
The Preview action generates a preview of the business administrative data changes that meet the specified criteria.
The Export action creates a package of the business administrative data changes that meet the specified criteria.
TheImportStage1Action action is the Stage 1 action of the import stage. This action uploads the zip package to the site inbox and provides the URL for the Stage 2 action.
The action response is the complex type CacheDescriptor collection.
The ImportStage3Action action attaches the content uploaded to “Received delivery” and performs the import action. You must provide the following parameters as input to the action in the request body:
ContentInfo complex type
UseBundledMapping flag
UseBundedResolution flag
The action response is the ImportResponse complex type.
The SaveImportMappings action saves the mapping information for BAC import.
You must provide the following parameters as input to the action in the request body:
Collection of ImportMappings complex type.
The action response sets or clears a flag on success or failure of the saved mapping.
The DeleteBACReceivedDeliveries action deletes the specified received BAC package.
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