Creating a Dynamic Document
This example shows how to create a textual dynamic document.
For graphics, set the Category value to “PUB_GRAPHIC”.
There are three name-value pairs for PTCDDEXTENDEDDOCTYPE:
The allowed values for x-raomContentStructure are:
0: Not a DITA-style document (Example: axdocbook chapter)
1: A content object (Example: DITA Topic or S1000 data module)
2: A table of contents object (Example: DITA map)
x-raomDocTypeName represents the name of the document type, such as ditabase, bookmap, axdocbook.
x-raomFirstTagName represents the name of the first element in the XML content, such as topic, bookmap, or book.
Refer to the AuthoringApplication value in the table below:
Dynamic Document
Standard Graphic including .pvz, .cgm
Creo illustration .c3di
Isodraw .iso, .idr
Use the following POST URI with a request body in the form below.
POST /Windchill/servlet/odata/DynamicDocMgmt/DynamicDocuments
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
CSRF_NONCE: <Use the value from Fetch NONCE example>
Request Body
"Category": {
"Name": "WRS Document 1",
"AuthoringApplication": {
"Value": "ARBORTEXT“
"FolderLocation": "/WRS Testing",
"FolderName": null,
"ObjectType": "Publication Source",
"PTCDDEXTENDEDDOCTYPE": "x-raomContentStructure,1|x-raomDocTypeName,ditabase|x-raomFirstTagName,topic",
"CADName": "MyTopic.xml",
"Context@odata.bind": "Containers('OR:wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct:307879’)”

Request Response
"@odata.context": "$metadata#DynamicDocuments",
"CreatedOn": "2024-09-05T10:22:19Z",
"ID": "OR:wt.epm.EPMDocument:418806",
"LastModified": "2024-09-05T10:22:19Z",
"AuthoringApplication": {
"Value": "ARBORTEXT",
"Display": "Arbortext Editor“
"AuthoringLanguage": null,
"CADName": "MyTopic.xml",
"CabinetName": "Default",
"Category": {
"Display": "Publication Source“
"CheckOutStatus": "",
"CheckoutInfo": "Checked in",
"CheckoutState": "Checked in",
"Comments": null,
"CreatedBy": "Demo, User",
"FolderLocation": "/WRS Testing",
"FolderName": null,
"InformationType": null,
"IsTranslatable": "yes",
"Latest": true,
If a textual dynamic document references other textual or graphic dynamic documents, you must create a MemberLink between the parent and each dependent dynamic document. For more information on creating a MemberLink, see Creating Member Links Between Dynamic Documents.
If a textual dynamic document includes a non-required reference, such as a cross reference link, to another dynamic document, you must create a ReferenceLink between the parent and each non-required reference.
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