Customization Points
Webservice Implementation Customization
Webservice implementation can be changed to fetch additional cost types and quantity information. This service can either be hosted by the ESI EAI software components, or in a legacy system provided it uses the same WSDL interface. Refer to the Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Open Application Programming Interface Guide (Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Handbuch Offene API) for more details.
ESI services may be configured to use a customized web service by setting the distribution target attribute Web Service Definition URL. This attribute has a default value of http://localhost:6666/ProcessDefinitions/DataProcessing/SOAPServer?wsdl, which may be modified to the URL corresponding to the customized web service.
Displaying Localized Cost Elements
If the Oracle Applications instance has additional cost elements supported, the implementation can be customized to display the additional cost types. In order to achieve this functionality, the customizer can add the localized text in the file ESIResource.rbInfo for the required languge and for the cost element code returned by Oracle Applications. The user interface is smart enough to display additional elements if available. By default it will try to find the localized value for the cost element, but if it is unable to find the localized text for the information, it will display information retured by Oracle Applications as is.
Refer to the Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Open Application Programming Interface Guide (Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration Handbuch Offene API) for examples that illustrate the request and response of the webservice.
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