Customizing Modeled Enumerations
The information page of the enumeration allows you to customize the entries in the enumeration’s value list and modify the enumeration’s properties. Any changes made to a modeled enumeration are automatically propagated to all instances of that enumeration in use within the system.
Before you begin, ensure that the information page is displayed in the edit mode. If not, select Edit from the Actions menu or from the right-click actions menu of the enumeration in the left navigation pane.
An overview of the different ways in which you can customize an enumeration is given below:
Modify Enumeration Value List
The Entries tab on the enumeration information page allows you to view and manage the entries in the value list for the enumeration. You can perform the following customizations on the value list:
Add a custom enumeration entry to augment the out-of-the-box value list. For more information, see Creating an Enumeration Entry.
Delete a custom enumeration entry if you do not want it to be used anymore. For more information, see Deleting an Entry.
Modify an out-of-the-box enumeration entry to suit your business needs using the View and Edit Entry Properties action on the entry.
Localize an enumeration entry. For more information, see Localizing Property Values.
Make an entry available or unavailable for selection in Windchill applications without removing them from the value list.
To make an entry available for selection in Windchill applications, ensure that the entry is displayed in the Available for selection list.
To make an entry unavailable for selection in Windchill applications, move the entry to the Removed from selection list.
Entries can be moved between the Available for selection and Removed from selection list lists using drag and drop while in edit mode.
If an entry that is removed from the selection list is already in use in the system, that instance of the entry remains unchanged. However, the entry is no longer available for selection for that attribute when creating or editing an object.
Set the default value for an enumeration by selecting the required option in the Default column in the Available for selection list. Click Go to Default to view the default value. This action can be used when there are several entries in the list and the default value is not visible in the current view.
The default value set for an attribute in the Manage Types window takes precedence over the default value set in the Available for selection list.
Modify the order in which the entries are displayed in value lists by selecting one of the following options:
Manually order entries using drag-and-drop
Automatically sort entries
If you chose to manually order entries, use drag and drop to achieve the desired order.
Modify Enumeration Properties
The enumeration properties provide useful information that helps identify an enumeration and understand its purpose. You can modify the following enumeration properties to suit your business needs.
Display Name—The name of the enumeration, as displayed in the tree structure in the left navigation pane.
Description—An optional description of the enumeration.
Click Done to save your edits and return to view mode. Alternatively, click Save to save your edits, but remain in edit mode.