特定管理 > 訂做企業物件 > Managing Modeled Enumerations > Migrating Customized Enumerations
Migrating Customized Enumerations
The existing customization information for modeled enumerations is stored in the enumeration-specific RBINFO files within the wtCustom folder. These customizations must be migrated from these RBINFO files to the database so that they can be accessed and customized using the new Customize Modeled Enumerations tool in the Type and Attribute Management utility.
Before proceeding with the migration, copy the wtCustom folder from source to the target system.
To migrate customized enumerations, run the following command in the Windchill shell on the Development environment of the target system:
windchill com.ptc.core.lwc.server.EnumeratedTypeCustomizationMigrator -u <userName> -p <password>
For help, run the tool with -h parameter.
On execution, the system backs up custom files. The location of the backup folder is displayed in the command line. If you find an issue with the migrated data, access the backed up files for troubleshooting.
After the migration, the RBINFO files stored within the wtCustom folder are removed. A log file is generated in the Windchill/logs folder with details about the data that was migrated.
You can verify the migrated enumerations in the Type and Attribute Management utility.