新功能 > Windchill REST Services > 封存 > Release Notes > Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.6.1
Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.6.1
Changes in Windchill REST Services 2.6.1 are described in this section.
Windchill REST Services 2.6.1 is included with the following Windchill releases:
General Capabilities
The following are the updates:
The following existing entities are supported with the Windchill release:
The RegulatoryContent navigation property of the Collection(PTC.ContentItem) type for separating regulatory content from the regulatory submission attachments.
The TableData navigation property.
Ability to update attributes on the object's master:
Master soft attributes can now be updated using the UpdateCommonProperties bound action.
Updating master IBAs through the action does not create a new iteration.
To update a master soft attribute, it must have an equivalent alias attribute defined on the versioned object type. For example, with an IBA myPartMasterAttr on WTPartMaster, you must also have an alias on WTPart myAliasToPartMasterAttr with the mapping masterReference^wt.part.WTPartMaster~myPartMasterAttr.
In the EDM, these alias attributes to master IBAs now have the annotation PTC.UpdateableViaAction to indicate that they can be updated using the UpdateCommonProperties bound action.
Updates to the Regulatory Master Domain
The following are the updates to the Regulatory Master domain:
The following existing endpoints are supported with the Windchill release.
Ability to capture the regulatory content for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to retrieve the regulatory content for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to delete the existing regulatory content associated with a non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to update the attributes of regulatory content for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to create a non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission with one or more table data objects associated with it.
Ability to create table-data details for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to retrieve the table data associated with a non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to update table-data details for an existing non-revisable or revisable regulatory submission.
Ability to check in, check out, undo checkout, or revise a revisable regulatory submission with the associated regulatory content, so that the regulatory content defined on the previous version is carried forward to the new iteration or revision.
Ability to create a follow-up for an existing non-revisable regulatory submission in the “Completed” state, so that the regulatory content defined on the previous version is carried forward to the new follow-up version.