Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > Examples for Customizing Domains > Creating a New Domain > Extending Product Management Domain to Add Alias Soft Attribute
Extending Product Management Domain to Add Alias Soft Attribute
This example shows you how to extend the Product Management domain to add an alias soft attribute to WTPart that maps to an attribute on WTPartMaster. Perform the following procedure:
1. In Type and Attribute Management in Windchill, add a soft attribute TestERP of data type String to the Type, Part Master (wt.part.WTPartMaster).
2. In Type and Attribute Management in Windchill, add an alias attribute TestERPAlias of data type String to the Type, Part (wt.part.WTPart) with the following mapping: masterReference^wt.part.WTPartMaster~TestERP.
For information on the Type and Attribute Management user interface and to create an attribute, see the Working with the Type and Attribute Management Utility and Creating a New Attribute topics in the Windchill Help Center.
3. In the <Windchill>/codebase/rest/custom/domain/ custom configuration path, create the following folder structure for the Product Management domain: ProdMgmt/<version>/entity
4. Create PartsExt.json at <Windchill>/codebase/rest/custom/domain/ProdMgmt/<version>/entity
"extends": "Part",
"attributes": [
"name": "TestERPAlias",
"internalName": "TestERPAlias",
"type": "String"
The Product Management domain metadata URL /Windchill/servlet/odata/ProdMgmt/$metadata displays the new property TestERPAlias on the Part entity.
To update the TestERPAlias property for a specific Part entity, use the following PATCH URI:
PATCH /Windchill/servlet/odata/ProdMgmt/Parts('OR:wt.part.WTPart:1887031')
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
CSRF_NONCE: <Use the value from Fetch NONCE example>
Request Body
"TestERPAlias": "Test value1"