Change Orders as Added ones
Since a Change Order cannot be successfully published to ERP more than once, Windchill ESI always creates an entry for the Change Order in the <AddedECN> section of the response.
The <ECNHeader> entry contains no information about the changeable objects on the CN. Information about parts, BOMs and documents is included as a separate entry in the <AddedParts>, <ChangedParts>, <UnchangedParts>, <AddedBOMs>, <ChangedBOMs> <UnchangedBOMs>, <AddedDocuments>, <ChangedDocuments> and <UnchangedDocuments> sections of the response. And resources such as tooling, process materials and skills are handled similarly.
The generation of the Revision Controlled object’s detail, as well as that for its dependent objects, uses the same process as that followed when publishing the object outside the context of a Change Order. For details, see the Publishing BOMs, Publishing Parts, Publishing Documents, Publishing Process Plans and Publishing Resources sections of this document.