Modifying Windchill ESI Preferences
Windchill ESI preferences are read from the database when the Windchill method server is brought up or when they are modified from the Preference Management utility. The preferences define two major types of capabilities – configurable option settings and class extension specifications.
See the Preference Management utility for a complete description of all Windchill ESI preferences.
Windchill ESI preferences may be edited using the Preference Management utility option that appears under Site > Utilities or or Organization > Utilities. Preferences that are visible from the Preference Management utility under Site > Utilities may be set for the Site while those that are visible from the Preference Management utility under Organization > Utilities may be set for a given organization. There are certain preferences that are visible from both Site and Organizational contexts – if such a preference is set for a given organization, it will be used by ESI for that organizational context; however, if the preference is not set for the organization, ESI will use the corresponding value set for Site.
Descriptions of the Windchill ESI preferences that must be changed when you extend a Windchill ESI java class can be found in the Windchill ESI Services Modules section of this document. The procedures to follow when extending a Windchill ESI java class are described in the Extend Windchill ESI Java Code section of this document.
Windchill ESI preferences may be modified using the Preference Management utility. For more information, see Windchill ESI Preferences.
Example: Preference Change
Suppose that you want ESI services to automatically generate a Change Notice and associate it to the business object every time the latter is released from Windchill. In order to achieve this, you must:
1. Search for the preference named Automatically Generate Change Notice under the category ESI > Settings > Change Notice > from the Preference Management utility.
2. Use thePreference Management utility to set the said preference to the new value, for example, to Yes.
There is no need to re-start the method server in order for a change such as the above to take effect. In other words, upon releasing a Windchill business object subsequently, it will be ensured that a Change Notice is automatically generated and associated to the object before it gets sent to the EAI software components for further processing. Also, changing the value of this preference has no effect when the business object being released is a Change Notice or a Promotion Request.