進階自訂 > Windchill ESI Customization > Windchill ESI Customization—Oracle Applications > Testing Oracle Apps API without using ESI and TIBCO
Testing Oracle Apps API without using ESI and TIBCO
To make sure that Oracle Apps instance is properly configured and all API/concurrent manager is working without any issue, following section will be useful to test the Oracle Apps instance without using ESI and using the guideline mentioned in the “Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual for Release 11i” or “Oracle® Supply Chain Management APIs and Open Interfaces Guide Release 12”. You can test these APIs using any sql client tool for e.g. SQL developer, TOAD , sql plus etc.. , You need to have appropriate database access (APPS user etc.. Oracle Application user having “inventory, Bills of material, enginnerting” responsibilities…)
Following table lists the various APIs those are used by ESI.
Create/update Part
Open item interface Using Concurrent Manager INCOIN
Create/update BOM (Bills of Material)
Create/Update Routing
Create ECO for create/update of BOM,Routing and for creating Part revision
Testing using the API will help us to determine data related issues/requirement etc..
Following are the example to create objects like Part, BOM, ECN, Routing etc..
Creating a Part
Following test case is based on the guidelines given by oracle. For more information refer to the Oracle APIs and Open Interface Manual Guide
Connect using APPS user
Before truncating below tables ensure that nobody is using this table at present and no transaction is pending.
(1, -- Process Flag Column indicates the current status of the row
100001, -- Set process Id is the set of records in the interface table you want to process. 'CREATE', -- Enter CREATE to create a new item, or UPDATE to update existing item
'P1', --Master Organization Code, Enter the organization that new item will import into. 'SR25NOV10_8' --Description Of item
'N', -- Summary Flag
'EA', --Unit of Measure Code
2, --Plan this item as either a make item or buy item
5, --Template ID
'SA', --Item Type 'Subassembly', --Template Name
'SR25NOV10_8', -- Item Number or Part Number 'A' --Revision
(' SR25NOV10_8', --Item Number 'A', --Revision A
'P1', --Organization Code
100001, -- Set process Id is the set of records in the interface table you want to process
'CREATE' --Transaction Type
/* Initialize the system information Each database table that the program writes to requires system information, such as who is trying to update the current record. The user must provide this information to the import program by initializing certain variables. The program will retrieve system information from these variables, during operation. To initialize the variables, the user must call the following procedure
FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE (1090, 20634, 401,0); END;

/* Parameters:

a. User_id - 1090 is the FND User Id of the person launching this program.
b. Resp_ id - 20634 is the FND Responsibility Id the person is using.
c. Resp_appl_id - 401 is the Application Responsibility Id.
d. Security_group_id - 0 is the FND Security Group Id.

--For more information about the above API refer the Oracle APIs and Open Interface Manual Guide
--This API submits the concurrent request from back end. DECLARE
'INV', --Application Short Name 'INCOIN', --Concurrent Program Short Name NULL,
81, -- Org ID
100001, -- Set process Id is the set of records in the interface table you want to process
1) -- create 1 or update 2 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(TO_CHAR(REQUEST_NUMBER));
Commit; END;
--For more information about the above API refer the Oracle APIs and Open Interface Manual Guide
For e.g. Request ID 273524 was generated & successfully completed.
To view Item:
Navigation Item->Item Master
Query for the given item
1. Press F11
2. Enter the name of the item
3. Press Ctrl+F11
Creating a BOM
Connect using APPS user
Execute the following Pl/sql code to create BOM structure
i NUMBER := 1; j NUMBER := 0;
--Declare the API inbound tables
l_bom_header_rec Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Head_Rec_Type := Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_HEADER_REC; l_bom_revision_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Revision_Tbl_Type := Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_REVISION_TBL; l_bom_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Comps_Tbl_Type:= Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_COMPONENT_TBL;
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Ref_Designator_Tbl_type:= Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_REF_DESIGNATOR_TBL;
l_bom_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_SUB_COMPONENT_TBL;
l_bom_comp_ops_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Comp_Ops_Tbl_Type := Bom_Bo_Pub.G_MISS_BOM_COMP_OPS_TBL;
Declare the API outbound tables
l_x_bom_header_rec Bom_bo_pub.bom_head_rec_type;
l_x_bom_revision_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Revision_Tbl_Type;
l_x_bom_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Comps_Tbl_Type;
l_x_bom_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Ref_Designator_Tbl_type;
l_x_bom_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Sub_Component_Tbl_Type;
l_x_bom_comp_ops_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Bom_Comp_Ops_Tbl_Type;
declare for error handler
l_error_message_list error_handler.error_tbl_type;
l_x_return_status Varchar2(2000);
l_x_msg_count Number;

l_d_current_date DATE := SYSDATE;

bom header details
l_bom_header_rec.organization_code :='P1'; --Organization Code l_bom_header_rec.assembly_item_name:='SR_25NOV10_5'; -- BOM Namel_bom_header_rec.assembly_type:=1;
l_bom_header_rec.transaction_type:='CREATE'; -- Transaction Type CREATE or UPDATE
Component details
l_bom_component_tbl(1).Organization_Code :='P1'; --Organization Code
l_bom_component_tbl (1).Assembly_Item_Name :='SR_25NOV10_5'; -- BOM Name
l_bom_component_tbl(1).item_sequence_number :=1; -- item sequence
l_bom_component_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number :=1; --Operation Seq
l_bom_component_tbl(1).Component_Item_Name :='SR_25NOV10_6'; --Component
l_bom_component_tbl(1).Start_Effective_Date:=SYSDATE; -- Current Date
l_bom_component_tbl(1).Alternate_bom_code :=NULL;
l_bom_component_tbl(1).Quantity_per_assembly := 10; --Quantity
l_bom_component_tbl(1).Transaction_Type :='CREATE'; -- Transaction Type Create or Update
Substitute Details
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Organization_Code:='P1'; --Organization Code
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Assembly_Item_Name:= 'SR_25NOV10_5’; -- BOM Name
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Start_Effective_Date :=SYSDATE; --Current Date
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Operation_Sequence_Number :=1; --Operation Seq
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Component_Item_Name :='SR_25NOV10_6'; --Component
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Substitute_Component_Name:= 'SR_25NOV10_11'; --Sub. Comp.
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Substitute_Item_Quantity:=100; -- Quantity
l_bom_sub_component_tbl(i).Transaction_Type:='CREATE'; -- Transaction Type
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl(i).Organization_Code:='P1'; --Organization Code
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl(i).Assembly_Item_Name:= 'SR_25NOV10_5’; -- BOM Name
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl(i).Start_Effective_Date :=SYSDATE; --Current Date
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl(i).Component_Item_Name := 'SR_25NOV10_6'; --Component
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl(i).Operation_Sequence_Number :=1; --Operation Seq
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl(i).Reference_Designator_Name :='SR-VIS1'; -- Ref. Designator
l_bom_ref_designator_tbl(i).Transaction_Type:='CREATE'; --Transaction Type
Call the API
( p_bo_identifier =>'BOM'
, p_api_version_number => '1.0'
, p_init_msg_list => TRUE
, p_bom_header_rec => l_bom_header_rec
, p_bom_revision_tbl => l_bom_revision_tbl
, p_bom_component_tbl => l_bom_component_tbl
, p_bom_ref_designator_tbl => l_bom_ref_designator_tbl, p_bom_sub_component_tbl => l_bom_sub_component_tbl
, p_bom_comp_ops_tbl => l_bom_comp_ops_tbl
, x_bom_header_rec => l_x_bom_header_rec
, x_bom_revision_tbl => l_x_bom_revision_tbl
, x_bom_component_tbl => l_x_bom_component_tbl
, x_bom_ref_designator_tbl => l_x_bom_ref_designator_tbl
, x_bom_sub_component_tbl => l_x_bom_sub_component_tbl
, x_bom_comp_ops_tbl => l_x_bom_comp_ops_tbl
, x_return_status => l_x_return_status
, x_msg_count => l_x_msg_count
, p_debug => 'N'
, p_output_dir => '' --'/slot06/oracle/PQL09MS1db/9.2.0/temp'
, p_debug_filename => '' --'KK_BOM_BO.log'

dbms_output.put_line('Return Status = '||l_x_return_status); dbms_output.put_line('Message Count = '||l_x_msg_count);
/**** Error messages ****/

--If l_x_return_status <> 'S' or l_x_return_status is null

-- Error Processing
For i In 1..l_x_msg_count Loop
dbms_output.put_line ( Substr(l_error_message_list(i).message_text, 1, 240) ); End Loop;
-- Else
dbms_output.put_line ('BOM processed successfully’);
-- End If; END;
Create Routing
Connect using APPS user

-- BOM_RTG_PUB.Process_Rtg API is to create, update and delete a routing
--Execute the following Pl/sql code to create Routing structure

l_index_i NUMBER := 0; l_index_j NUMBER := 0;Declare the API inbound tables

l_rtg_rec bom_rtg_pub.Rtg_Header_Rec_Type; l_rtg_rev_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rtg_Revision_Tbl_Type; l_rtg_oper_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Operation_Tbl_Type; l_rtg_oper_res_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Op_Resource_Tbl_Type; l_rtg_sub_res_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type; l_op_network_tbl bom_rtg_Pub.Op_Network_Tbl_Type;

--Declare the API outbound tables
l_x_rtg_rec bom_rtg_pub.Rtg_Header_Rec_Type; l_x_rtg_rev_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rtg_Revision_Tbl_Type; l_x_rtg_oper_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Operation_Tbl_Type; l_x_rtg_oper_res_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Op_Resource_Tbl_Type; l_x_rtg_sub_res_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type; l_x_op_network_tbl bom_rtg_Pub.Op_Network_Tbl_Type;

-- declare for error handler

l_error_message_list error_handler.error_tbl_type; l_x_return_status Varchar2(2000); l_x_msg_count Number;

--set values

rtg_header varchar2(100); l_d_current_date DATE := SYSDATE; -- Current Date


-- Routing header detail

l_rtg_rec.Assembly_item_name:= 'SR_02NOV10_8'; -- Routing ,Part Number l_rtg_rec.Organization_code := 'P1'; -- Organization Code l_rtg_rec.Eng_Routing_Flag := 2;
l_rtg_rec.Transaction_Type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type CREATE,UPDATE,DELETE


l_rtg_oper_tbl(1).Assembly_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_8'; -- Routing ,Part Number l_rtg_oper_tbl(1).Organization_code := 'P1'; -- Organization Code l_rtg_oper_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number := 10; -- Operation Number l_rtg_oper_tbl(1).Operation_Type := 1;
l_rtg_oper_tbl(1).Department_code := 'DEPT1'; --Department Code l_rtg_oper_tbl(1).Transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type CREATE,UPDATE,DELETE l_rtg_oper_tbl(1).START_EFFECTIVE_DATE := L_D_CURRENT_DATE ;

l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Assembly_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_8'; -- Routing ,Part Number l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Organization_code := 'P1'; -- Organization Code l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Operation_Type := 1;
l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type CREATE,UPDATE,DELETE l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Op_Start_Effective_Date := l_d_current_date ; l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Resource_Sequence_Number := 10; --Resource Seq. l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number := 10; -- Operation Number l_rtg_oper_res_tbl(1).Resource_Code := 'RES1'; -- Resource Code


( p_bo_identifier => 'RTG'
, p_api_version_number =>1.0
, p_init_msg_list => TRUE
, p_rtg_header_rec => l_rtg_rec
, p_rtg_revision_tbl => l_rtg_rev_tbl
, p_operation_tbl => l_rtg_oper_tbl
, p_op_resource_tbl => l_rtg_oper_res_tbl
, p_sub_resource_tbl => l_rtg_sub_res_tbl
, p_op_network_tbl => l_op_network_tbl
, x_rtg_header_rec => l_x_rtg_rec
, x_rtg_revision_tbl => l_x_rtg_rev_tbl
, x_operation_tbl => l_x_rtg_oper_tbl
, x_op_resource_tbl => l_x_rtg_oper_res_tbl
, x_sub_resource_tbl => l_x_rtg_sub_res_tbl
, x_op_network_tbl => l_x_op_network_tbl
, x_return_status => l_x_return_status
, x_msg_count => l_x_msg_count
, p_debug => 'N'
, p_output_dir => NULL
, p_debug_filename => NULL

dbms_output.put_line('Return Status = '||l_x_return_status); dbms_output.put_line('Message Count = '||l_x_msg_count);
/**** Error messages ****/

--If l_x_return_status <> 'S' or l_x_return_status is null
-- Error Processing
For i In 1..l_x_msg_count Loop
dbms_output.put_line ( Substr(l_error_message_list(i).message_text, 1, 240) ); End Loop;
dbms_output.put_line('RTG processed successfully' );
--End If; END;
Creating a BOM and a Routing using ECO
Connect using APPS user

-- Eng_eco_pub.Process_Eco API to used to create ECO
--Execute the following Pl/Sql code to create ECO

l_index_i NUMBER := 0; l_index_j NUMBER := 0;

-- Declare the API inbound tables

l_eco_rec eng_eco_pub.Eco_Rec_Type;
l_eco_revision_tbl eng_eco_pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type; l_revised_item_tbl eng_eco_pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type;
l_rev_component_tbl bom_bo_pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type;
l_ref_designator_tbl bom_bo_pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type;
l_sub_component_tbl bom_bo_pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type;
l_rev_operation_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type;
l_rev_op_resource_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type;
l_rev_sub_resource_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type;

-- Declare the API outbound tables

l_x_eco_rec eng_eco_pub.Eco_Rec_Type;
l_x_eco_revision_tbl eng_eco_pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type;
l_x_revised_item_tbl eng_eco_pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type;
l_x_rev_component_tbl bom_bo_pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type;
l_x_ref_designator_tbl bom_bo_pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type;
l_x_sub_component_tbl bom_bo_pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type;
l_x_rev_operation_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type;
l_x_rev_op_resource_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type;
l_x_rev_sub_resource_tbl bom_rtg_pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type;l_error_message_list error_handler.error_tbl_type; l_x_return_status Varchar2(2000); l_x_msg_count Number;
eco_header varchar2(10);
l_d_current_date DATE := SYSDATE; --Current Date BEGIN
eco_header := 'SR_24NOV10'; --Name of the ECO l_revised_item_tbl.Delete;

-- ECO header details

l_eco_rec.eco_name := eco_header;
l_eco_rec.organization_code := 'P1'; --Organization Code
l_eco_rec.status_name := 'Open'; -- Status
l_eco_rec.approval_status_name := 'Approved'; --Approval Status
l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'MFG Chg'; -- Change Type Code
l_eco_rec.description := 'MY DESCRIPTION'; -- Description
l_eco_rec.transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type
l_eco_rec.plm_or_erp_change := 'ERP';--Use this line on 11.5.10.x

--CREATE a Revised Item(Routing) l_revised_item_tbl(1).Eco_Name := eco_header;
l_revised_item_tbl(1).Organization_Code := 'P1'; -- Organization Code
l_revised_item_tbl(1).Revised_Item_Name := 'SR_02NOV10_10'; -- Routing, Bom
l_revised_item_tbl(1).start_Effective_Date := l_d_current_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(1).NEW_ROUTING_REVISION := '--B'; --Revision
l_revised_item_tbl(1).Transaction_Type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type


l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Eco_Name := eco_header;
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Organization_Code := 'P1'; --Organization Code
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Revised_Item_Name := 'SR_02NOV10_10'; -- Routing, Bom
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).NEW_ROUTING_REVISION := '--B'; --Revision
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).ACD_Type := 1; --Acd Type 1-Add,2-Change,3-Disable
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number := 10; -- Operation sequence
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).New_Operation_Sequence_Number:= 10; -- Operation sequence
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Operation_Type := 1;
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Start_Effective_Date :=l_d_current_date;
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Department_Code := 'DEPT1' ; -- Department Code
l_rev_operation_tbl(1).Transaction_Type := 'CREATE' ; -- Transaction Type
Revised Operation Resource 1

l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Eco_Name := eco_header;
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Organization_Code := 'P1' ; --Organization Code
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Revised_Item_Name := 'SR_02NOV10_10'; -- Routing, Bom
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).NEW_ROUTING_REVISION := '--B'; --Revision
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).ACD_Type := 1; --Acd Type 1-Add,2-Change,3-Disable
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number := 10; -- Operation sequence
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Operation_Type := 1;
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Op_Start_Effective_Date := l_d_current_date;
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Resource_Sequence_Number := 1; --Resource sequence
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Resource_Code := 'RES1' ; -- Resource Code
l_rev_op_resource_tbl(1).Transaction_Type := 'CREATE' ; --Transaction Type

-- CREATE a Revised Item

l_revised_item_tbl(2).Eco_Name := eco_header;
l_revised_item_tbl(2).Organization_Code := 'P1'; -- Organization_code
l_revised_item_tbl(2).Revised_Item_Name := 'SR_02NOV10_10'; -- Bom
l_revised_item_tbl(2).start_Effective_Date := l_d_current_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(2).NEW_REVISED_ITEM_REVISION :='--B'; -- Revision
l_revised_item_tbl(2).New_Revised_Item_Rev_Desc :='--B';
l_revised_item_tbl(2).Transaction_Type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type

-- CREATE the component 1
l_rev_component_tbl(1).eco_name := eco_header;
l_rev_component_tbl(1).organization_code := 'P1'; -- Organization Code
l_rev_component_tbl(1).revised_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_10'; --Bom
l_rev_component_tbl(1).NEW_REVISED_ITEM_REVISION :='--B'; -- Revision
l_rev_component_tbl(1).start_effective_date := l_d_current_date;
l_rev_component_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number :=1; -- Operation Sequence
l_rev_component_tbl(1).Item_Sequence_Number := 10; -- Item sequence
l_rev_component_tbl(1).component_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_11'; --Component
l_rev_component_tbl(1).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type
l_rev_component_tbl(1).acd_type :=1; --Acd Type 1-Add,2-Change,3-Disable
l_rev_component_tbl(1).quantity_per_assembly :=50; -- quantity

---sub component
l_sub_component_tbl (1).eco_name := eco_header;
l_sub_component_tbl (1).organization_code := 'P1'; -- Organization Code
l_sub_component_tbl (1).revised_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_10'; -- Bom
l_sub_component_tbl(1).NEW_REVISED_ITEM_REVISION :='--B'; -- Revision
l_sub_component_tbl(1).start_effective_date := l_d_current_date;
l_sub_component_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number :=1; -- Operation sequence
l_sub_component_tbl (1).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- Transcation_type
l_sub_component_tbl (1).acd_type := 1; --Acd Type 1-Add,2-Change,3-Disable
l_sub_component_tbl (1).component_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_11'; -- Component name
l_sub_component_tbl (1).Substitute_Component_Name := 'SR_02NOV10_12'; --Sub. Component
l_sub_component_tbl (1).Substitute_Item_Quantity := 10; -- Quantity

---Ref Designator

l_ref_designator_tbl (1).eco_name := eco_header;
l_ref_designator_tbl (1).organization_code := 'P1'; -- Organization Code
l_ref_designator_tbl (1).revised_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_10'; -- Bom
l_ref_designator_tbl(1).NEW_REVISED_ITEM_REVISION :='--B'; -- Revision
l_ref_designator_tbl(1).start_effective_date := l_d_current_date;
l_ref_designator_tbl(1).Operation_Sequence_Number :=1; -- Operation Seq.
l_ref_designator_tbl (1).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- Transaction Type
l_ref_designator_tbl (1).acd_type := 1; --Acd Type 1-Add,2-Change,3-Disable
l_ref_designator_tbl (1).component_item_name := 'SR_02NOV10_11'; --Component Name
l_ref_designator_tbl (1).REFERENCE_DESIGNATOR_NAME :='SR-VIS'; -- Ref Designator


-- Call the API

eng_eco_pub.Process_Eco (
p_api_version_number => 1.0 -- This parameter is required. It is used by the
-- API to compare the version number of incoming
-- calls to its current version number.
, p_init_msg_list => True -- This parameter is set to TRUE, allows callers to
-- to request that the API do the initialization
-- of message lis
, x_return_status => l_x_return_status -- This is a flag that indicates the state of the
-- Whole business object after the import.
-- 'S' - Success
-- 'E' - Error
-- 'F' - Fatal Error
-- 'U' - Unexpected Error
, x_msg_count =>
l_x_msg_count -- This holds the number of messages in the API
-- message stack after the import.
, p_bo_identifier => 'ECO', p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec -- This is a record that holds the ECO header.
, p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
, p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
, p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
, p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
, p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
, p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
, p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
, p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
, x_eco_rec => l_x_eco_rec
, x_eco_revision_tbl => l_x_eco_revision_tbl
, x_revised_item_tbl => l_x_revised_item_tbl
, x_rev_component_tbl => l_x_rev_component_tbl
, x_ref_designator_tbl => l_x_ref_designator_tbl
, x_sub_component_tbl => l_x_sub_component_tbl
, x_rev_operation_tbl => l_x_rev_operation_tbl
, x_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_x_rev_op_resource_tbl
, x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
,p_debug => 'N'
,p_output_dir => '/usr/tmp'
,p_debug_filename => 'SR4_ECO_BO.log'
dbms_output.put_line('Return Status = '||l_x_return_status);
dbms_output.put_line('Message Count = '||l_x_msg_count);
/**** Error messages ****/ error_handler.Get_message_list(l_error_message_list);
--If l_x_return_status <> 'S' or l_x_return_status is null
-- Error Processing
For i In 1..l_x_msg_count Loop
dbms_output.put_line ( Substr(l_error_message_list(i).message_text, 1, 240) );
End Loop;
dbms_output.put_line('ECO processed successfully' );
--End If;