This process receives ESIPostResult messages from the com.ptc.windchill.esi.Result queue, and if so enabled, saves the contents of the message to a file. It then reads the ESIResultResponse file and sends it back to the EAI software components over JMS.
Logical Flow
Stub_Result_ResultResponse_PD Components
Activity Name
JMSReceiver_E SIResult
PostResult messages sent by the EAI software components via JMS.
The contents of the PostResult as a text stream.
The Stub JMS Connection (/JMSConfigu rations/Stub_J MSConnection).
Receipt of a message on the JMS queue will trigger this process definition.
The contents of the JMS message received by the JMS receiver process starter.
A PostResult file as an AE object.
The ESIPostResult schema.
The ESIPostResult file must be parsed in order to extract the TransactionID with which to generate the filename.
WriteFile_Sepa rateFiles
The PostResult file as raw text from the JMS process starter.
A file containing the raw PostResult XML received from the EAI software components.
The com_infoengi ne_user property from JMS as well as the ESIDirectory global variable.
This process dynamically generates a file name for the output file and writes the raw text of the JMS body into the file. Each PostResult will be written to a separate file.
ReadFile_ESIR esultResponse
The ESIResultRespon se file from the ESIDirectory
The ESIResultR espose file as a string.
The ESIResultRes ponse file must exist in the directory specified.
This file is not parsed.
JMSSender_ES IResultRespons e_ResultRespon se
The ESIResultResponse XML schema.
The EAI Windchill Simulation module JMS Connection (/JMSConfigu rations/Stub_JMSCo nnection), as well as a properly read ESIResultRes ponse file.
This activity publishes the ESIResultRespo nse to JMS but does not output any information to subsequent BusinessWorks activities.