SPR Fixes in Windchill REST Services 2.6
This section lists the SPRs that were fixed in Windchill REST Services 2.6.
Customer SPRs
This section lists the customer SPRs that were fixed.
Executing the PTC.CADDocumentMgmt.GetStructure action in Windchill REST Services returns many warnings regarding Nashorn engine as follows: "Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release."
Unable to pass a value to the classification attribute in the exponential format while creating parts using the /CreateParts REST API.
In Windchill REST Services online help, the content "extends": "Parts" needs to be corrected to "extends": "Part" in the instructions given for creating the PartsExt.json file in "Adding Custom Properties to Entities in PTC Domains".
The PTC.includeHiddenFilter header added in WRS 2.5 does not show hidden filters in the Get /NavigationCriterias endpoint.
When the value of a “Date & Time” type attribute added to a part is not set, the GET /Parts REST API works fine in the WRS UI, but returns the error message, "The value '(Unassignable)' is not valid for the property", when executed via an equivalent CURL command, or via Postman, or from Navigate.
It is not possible to create an operation subtype using the API v5/MfgProcMgmt/OperationHolders(ProcessPlanOID)/PTC.MfgProcMgmt.CreateOperationsInContext, if the parent (OOTB Operation type) is set to Instantiable = No.
Windchill REST Services is sometimes not navigating to a linked Described By document; the Described By document is null in certain scenarios.
The REST API request, /Windchill/servlet/odata/MfgProcMgmt/Operations('OR:com.ptc.windchill.mpml.processplan.operation.MPMOperation:6215885')/PTC.MfgProcMgmt.AssociateWorkCenter?$expand=ReferencedBy returns a null value for the ReferencedBy navigation instead of returning the Operation details.
A user cannot rename a folder using the PATCH REST API from the DataAdmin domain when the user does not have Site Admin rights.
Non-filterable properties should not be allowed as filter criteria in $expand.
To understand how to use the PasteAsIs action, which is available in the BOM Transformation domain in Windchill REST Services, by specifying an empty string ("") or a solidus ( / ) or a pipe ( | ) as the value of the TargetPath attribute.
The REST API request, /Windchill/servlet/odata/ProdMgmt/Parts('OR:wt.part.WTPart:870252')/MadeFromLink?$count=false returns the HTTP status code 400 along with the following error message: "Impossible to invoke the method com.ptc.windchill.mpml.rest.WRSCalls.getRawMaterialLinks."
In WRS 2.4.1, the /ProdMgmt/Parts endpoint supports filtering on Folder/Name and Folder/Description; it does not support filtering on Folder/Location.
/Parts('<PartId>')/PTC.ProdMgmt.GetPartStructure with $expand query returns empty substitutes of some components.
When a part is classified in Windchill, the Windchill trigger (New View Version) does not consistently fire the workflow in ThingWorx Flow.
Single-valued alias attribute and its value is being returned on the PTC.MultipleAliasAttributeValues annotation in Windchill REST Services.
GetWindchillMetaInfo fails with "NullPointerException" error in Windchill REST Services.
On WRS 2.5 in the Windchill release, the REST API request, GET /Parts/Representations is not returning the BoundingBox property values or coordinates in the correct order [min: x1, y1, z1, max: x2, y2, z2].
The API request, /BomTransformation/GetEquivalenceNetworkForParts?$expand=EquivalenceNetwork($expand=EquivalenceLink) returns empty values for Upstream View in Windchill REST Services.