Association of Part to Plant Data Object
When a plant data object is revised, the part iterations that were linked to the previous revision of the plant data object are also linked to the new revision of the object. When the part is revised, the new revision of the part is linked to the latest revision of the object. If the plant data object is revised further, the latest part is linked to this new revision. In this case, the previous revision of the plant data object is associated with the latest and the previous part revision.
The given scenario is illustrated as follows:
In the example, when Plant1 is revised to C.1 and Part1 is revised to B.1, the previous revision Plant1 B.1 is associated with two revisions of the part, A and B.
You can change the default behavior to associate the newly created revision of plant data only with the latest revision of the part by configuring the property. The property is stored in the file located at Windchill/codebase/com/ptc/windchill/enterprise/data/xconfs. When set to True, when a plant data object is associated with two or more revisions of part, the application removes the link between the previous plant data object revision to the latest part revision. In the above example, the link between Plant1 B.1 and Part1 B.1 is removed when the property is set to True.
The following illustrated examples demonstrate the association behavior based on the property settings in different scenarios:
When Plant1 is revised to C.1, the previous revision Plant1 B.1 is associated with two revisions of the part, A and B. When the property is enabled, the link between Plant1 B.1 and Part1 B.1 is removed.
When Plant1 is revised to B.1, the iterations A.4, A.5 and A.6 of the previous plant data object revisions are associated with two part revisions, A and B. When the property is enabled, the links between Part1 B.1 and its associated iterations of Plant A are removed. As Part A is associated with Plant A, the iterations that were dissociated from Part B are now associated with the latest iteration of Part A.
None of the links will be removed. When Plant1 is revised to B.1, all the iterations of the previous revision of the plant data object are associated with only one part revision.
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