Use Case 4: Synchronizing a Generated Process Plan for Attribute Updates
In this use case, we will see how to synchronize a generated process plan with the generic process plan using a rules file for updates in attribute values.
Existing Generic and Generated Process Plan Structures
Consider that the following generic and generated process plans are present in PPB:
Generic Process Plan is a process plan associated with a configurable module.
Generated Process Plan is a variant of Generic Process Plan.
A rules file exists for Generated Process Plan.
Child 1 and Child 2 are allocated to Operation 1 and Operation 2, respectively in Generated Process Plan. Their equivalent operations and parts are allocated to Generic Process Plan.
The following updates were made in Generic Process Plan after creating Generated Process Plan:
The value of the attribute Description changed from Desc to Op3Desc.
The value of the attribute Labor Cost increased from 100 to 200.
Update the Rules File
"copyOverRules": [
"sourceType": "com.ptc.QualityOperation",
"targetType": "com.ptc.QualityOperation",

"attributeToSyncMappings": [

"excludedAttributesForUpdate": "laborCost"
The attributeToSyncMappings definition specifies that the value of description should be carried forward to variantDescription.
The excludedAttributesForUpdate definition specifies that the updates in the value of Labor Cost should not be carried forward from Generic Process Plan to Generated Process Plan.
Synchronize Generated Process Plan with Generic Process Plan Using the Rules File
1. In PPB, open Generic Process Plan.
2. In the Generated Process Plans tab, select Generated Process Plan.
3. Click Synchronize Process Plans.
4. Click OK to continue.
5. View the summary of updates displayed in the Generated Process Plan Updates dialog box, and then click Close.
Synchronized Generated Process Plan
Generated Process Plan is updated as per the rules file.
The value of Variant Description is updated to Op3Desc.
The value of Labor Cost remained as is.
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