Allocating a Work Center to an Operation in Process Plan Browser
To allocate a work center to an operation in process plan browser:
1. Right-click the operation for which you want to allocate a work center and select Editing > Allocate Resource. The Allocate Resource dialog box opens.
2. Select the type of object to search from the Search On list.
3. Enter the search criteria, and click Search. The results of the search are returned at the bottom of the window.
4. Select the desired work center, and click OK. If there are no compatibility links attached to a work center, then the work center is directly added under an operation.
If there are any compatibility links attached to work center, the Select Compatibility Links for object: dialog box opens. It displays a list of compatibility links. You may be presented with the following options:
If there are no Forbidden processing resources present, the Select Compatibility Links for object: dialog box displays a list of following types of resources:
Preferred resources— These are selected by default. You can clear the selection for these resources per your business requirement.
Acceptable resources—These are not selected by default. You can select these resources per your business requirement.
Mandatory resources— These are required resources and are selected by default. You cannot clear the selection for these resources.
If there are no Forbidden processing resources present, a work center with a Forbidden processing resource attached to it gets directly allocated to the operation.
If a Forbidden resource is already allocated to an operation, then a work center with the same Forbidden resource attached to it cannot be allocated to the same operation. An error is displayed stating the same.
If there are allocated Not Recommended processing resources already associated with a work center, a warning is displayed. You are provided with an option to cancel the association or continue with the association.
5. Click OK. The work center and selected resources are added to the operation.
Alternatively, to allocate a work center to an operation, you can drag and drop the selected work center under the operation. You can also use the Copy action.
Key Points
An error is displayed if you try to allocate an already allocated work center or processing resource to an operation.
While performing manufacturing operations, the operation time is equal to the time taken by the work center. In such scenarios, you can copy the time and cost information from the work center that is being assigned to the operation. To allocate a work center to an operation, you can drag and drop the selected work center under the operation. You can also use theCopy action. On initiating these actions, the Confirm dialog box appears. Click Yes to copy the time and cost information.
The Manufacturing Operation to Work Center Link Attributes section in the Attributes tab of process plan browser displays information about the Department and Plant associated with the work center. The default value and the other values that appears in the Department list and Plant field depends on the process followed while allocating the work center. You can change the value of the Department.
The Department attribute values persisted on the resource group instances associated with the work center are displayed in the Department list.
Any legal value list specified for Department attribute on MPMOperationToWorkCenterLink is ignored.
Default value of Department attribute on MPMOperationToWorkCenterLink is picked from the Department attribute value set on resource group related to the work center.
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