This information is limited to adding hidden form data that is associated with a specific JCA table and that is identified by a specific table ('MYTABLEID') in the example code above). The hidden data may be defined as one or more hidden columns in the table, in which case a unique value may be submitted for every row in the table, or it may be associated with the table itself and not connected with any row or column, in which case one or more values may be submitted for the entire table. These two approaches may be combined within a single form submission or they may be used separately.
No provision is made for client-side generated hidden form data that is not associated with a JCA table, as this technique relies upon the 'submit' event that is signaled just before a JCA table that appears within a wizard (i.e., HTML <form/>) is submitted to the server.
Packaged Samples
The customization utilities must be enabled to see the samples. See Customization Tools Overview for information on enabling the customization utilities.
1. Navigate to Navigator > CustomizationComponent Catalog > Wizard > Data Store Only Column in Wizard Table Example.
2. Select a context on the first wizard step and click Next.
3. Select the Add Row – No Content action from the tool bar on the table.
4. Enter some text in the Name column of the row that has been added to the table.
5. Click Finish.
A confirmation message will display indicating that an object has been created. Also, in the Method Server's log you will see output similar to this:
KEY = noColumn

KEY = hiddenColumn1

KEY = hiddenColumn2
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