Creating New Tablespaces
1. Launch PSI and select Windchill components.
2. On the database configuration options window, select Use Existing for Database, and Create or Use Existing for Database Installation User.
3. On "the select data sets window DO NOT select any of the available options, Create database schema, Load base data, Load demo data.
4. If you selected to create a database installation user in Step 2 then on the database information page type in target database and new user information.
In the Default Tablespace Name field type in the new default tablespace name (i.e. USERS_DATA)
In the Temporary Tablespace Name field type in the new Temporary tablespace name (i.e. TEMP2)
5. Once the installation is finished, open a Windchill Shell and change directory to <Windchill>\db.
6. Execute following ChangeDdlTablespaceNames.class from SystemGeneration.jar to update Windcihll DDL with new tablespace names :
java -cp <Windchill>\srclib\tool\SystemGeneration.jar
7. Execute the following commands to change the properties to point to new tablespaces.
xconfmanager -s wt.generation.sql.defaultTablespaceName=<NEW_DEFAULT_Tablespace_Name> -t "codebase/" -pxconfmanager -s wt.generation.sql.BLOBTablespaceName=<NEW_BLOBS_Tablespace_Name> -t "codebase/" -pxconfmanager -s wt.generation.sql.indexTablespaceName=<NEW_INDEX_Tablespace_Name> -t "codebase/" -pxconfmanager -s wt.generation.sql.auditTablespaceName=<NEW_AUDIT_Tablespace_Name> -t "codebase/" -p
8. Execute create_ddl_wt.sql script from <Windchill>\db\sql or <Windchill>\db\sql3 folder (if multi-byte option was selected during install) using class as follows.
On Windows:
set JAVA_ARGS=""
windchill --java=E:\ptc\Windchill_10.1\Java\bin\java --javaargs="JAVA_ARGS" create_ddl_wt.sql E:\ptc\Windchill_10.1\Windchill\db\sql
On Unix (korn shell example):
# export JAVA_ARGS
# windchill --java=/mnt/disk1/x22m40jdk41spc/Java/bin/java --javaargs=$JAVA_ARGS create_ddl_wt.sql /mnt/disk1/x22m40jdk41spc/Windchill/db/sql
9. Start Windchill Server, and load data.
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