Identifying PVM File Corruption
The PVM files that properly load geometry in Creo View may become corrupted in the following ways:
Corruption of children in a representation when opening positioning assemblies that contain a Pending Deferred Update flag in Creo View.
The parts cannot be displayed in Creo View.
To identify and fix these corrupted files, this utility now exists to resolve this issue: Invoke the utility by running the following command as a site administrator from a Windchill command shell:
windchill com.ptc.wvs.server.util.IdentifyPVMCorruptionUtil
This tool can either republish corrupted representations or save CSV files containing DerivedImage OIDs of the corrupted representations, or both.
To optimize the usage of the utility, you can specify a container to limit the amount of data being interrogated.
To View the Utility’s Help:
windchill com.ptc.wvs.server.util.IdentifyPVMCorruptionUtil -h
Example 1:
To identify corrupted PVM representations in a product container, and save the CSV files containing the DerivedImage OIDs of the corrupted representations:
windchill com.ptc.wvs.server.util.IdentifyPVMCorruptionUtil -saveCSV
-containerOID wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct:163928
Example 2:
To identify corrupted PVM representations with a product name in a container and save the CSV files containing DerivedImage OIDs of the corrupted representations:
windchill com.ptc.wvs.server.util.IdentifyPVMCorruptionUtil -saveCSV
-CONT_PATH "wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo2/
Example 3:
To identify corrupted PVM representations in a product container, republish the representation, and save the CSV files containing the DerivedImage OIDs of the corrupted representations:
windchill com.ptc.wvs.server.util.IdentifyPVMCorruptionUtil -saveCSV
"/opt/ptc/fox_116/Windchill/tmp/test.csv" -republishReps
-containerOID wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct:117583
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