Esempio del file attributeMap.xml
Di seguito è riportato un esempio di un file attributeMap.xml modificato:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE AttrMap SYSTEM "attributeMap.dtd">
<!-- Specify the list of all Integrity issue types which should be treated as defects.-->
<IntegrityIssueType types="Defect"/>
<DtsPdmMap dts="ID" pdm="RemoteID" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Summary" pdm="name" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Priority" pdm="theIssuePriority" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Description" pdm="description" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Project" pdm="Project" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="State" pdm="state" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Assigned User" pdm="Assignee" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Created By" pdm="Reporter" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Modified Date" pdm="Modified" type="String" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Estimated Effort" pdm="Estimate" type="Int" />
<DtsPdmMap dts="Type" pdm="IntegrityItemType" type="String" />
<!-- Created and Updated Dates, Attachements are not available in RialtoAttribs -->
<!-- NOTE: The order of the this attribute in the XML file determines the order in which the attribute value will be displayed on the Software Build object report in Windchill. The first attribute value in the list will be the top value listed in the bar graph or the first (left) value listed on the X-axis. The next value in the list will be the next value listed in the bar graph or on the X-axis, and so forth for all subsequent attribute values. For example, the order of the “state” attribute values defines the X-axis values on all of the Software Build objects bar graphs. If top to bottom order in the XML file is “Resolved, Reopened, Open, Closed”, then this will be the order from left to right on the bar graph report. -->
<pdm name="theIssuePriority" />
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Critical" pdm="Emergency"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="High" pdm="High"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Medium" pdm="Medium" isDefault="true"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Low" pdm="Low"/>
<pdm name="state" />
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Proposed" pdm="Open" isDefault="true"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Assigned" pdm="UnderReview"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="In Review" pdm="UnderReview"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="In Testing" pdm="Resolved"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Accepted" pdm="Accepted"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Rejected" pdm="Accepted"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="Completed" pdm="Accepted"/>
<DtsPdmValueMap dts="In Development" pdm="Reopened"/>