Installazione e aggiornamento > Upgrade Guide > Before Upgrading > Windchill Product Analytics Process Adapter Removal Pre-Upgrade Steps
Windchill Product Analytics Process Adapter Removal Pre-Upgrade Steps
Starting with Windchill, support for Windchill Product Analytics Process Adapter is discontinued. If you are upgrading from a source system with this module installed to Windchill, perform the following steps in the source system to clear the queue entries:
You are required to perform the following steps before actual upgrade process starts.
1. Log in to the Windchill application as an administrator.
2. Browse to Site > Utilities > Queue Management.
3. Check the InSightSyncronizationQueue queue for Type as Schedule and Process. To process these queue entries:
Click Start to run the queue entry.
Click the delete icon on the Queue Entries table if the entry is not required.
Delete the queue entries that are Severe/Failed Entries
4. Disable the InSightSyncronizationQueue queue.
5. Make sure that the queue is empty before starting the upgrade process.
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