Novità > Windchill REST Services > Archivi > Release Notes > Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 1.6
Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 1.6
Changes in Windchill REST Services 1.6 are described in this section.
Capabilities Added to the inherits Property
The following capabilities are available in the inherits property. Use these capabilities to enable the navigation properties and function in the inheriting entity.
effectivityManaged—Enables the Effectivities navigation property
partAssociations—Enables the PartAssociations navigation property
variantSpecs—Enables the GetAllVariantSpecifications() function
conglomerate Property Available in Domain JSON File
The conglomerate property is available in the JSON file of the domain. The property specifies if the domain is a conglomerate domain.
Developer Documents for Windchill REST Services
The Windchill REST Services release includes the following developer documents:
Javadoc, which is available at:
https://<windchill server>/Windchill/netmarkets/html/wrs/Javadoc/index.html
JSDoc for in-built hooks, which is available at:
https://<windchill server>/Windchill/netmarkets/html/wrs/jsdoc/index.html
Enhancements in Actions and Functions
There are limitations while working with actions and functions in Windchill REST Services 1.5 and earlier releases. These limitations are fixed in Windchill REST Services 1.6 release. The enhancements in actions and functions follow:
In earlier releases, there are some limitations on calling actions and functions on navigated entities. Specifically, the bound operations that accesses entities using navigations are executed only if the operation is available in the first entity set.
For example, consider the following URL, which specifies a bound operation. In earlier releases, the operation is executed only if it is found in the entity type A.
In Windchill REST Services 1.6 and later, clients can call actions and functions that are bound to an entity or an entity collection, where the bound items are accessed using navigations.
In earlier releases, pagination is not applied to function responses. All the results are sent in the response.
In Windchill REST Services 1.6 and later, the results of function calls are paged if the results exceed the default page size. However, note that when you move to the subsequent pages of function results, the function is executed again. You must ensure that the function implementation does not create, update or delete data. To get the function results that you want in a page, it is recommended that you sort the results.
Pagination is not supported for actions.
Enhancements in the PTC Change Management Domain
The enhancements in PTC Change Management domain follow:
The new entity ChangeTask represents a version of the change task.
The new navigation property ImplementationPlan retrieves implementation plans associated with the change notice.
Process and reference objects support $filter, $orderby, and $count query parameters.
Navigation Properties Available for Part Entity
The following navigation properties are available for the Part entity in the PTC Product Management domain:
AXLEntries—Use the navigation to create, update, and delete associations between Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and manufacture parts (AML), vendor parts (AVL), or both manufacture and vendor parts (AXL).
PartAssociations—Retrieves the association links between a part and CAD document.
Effectivities—Retrieves the effectivities associated with the part.
Navigation Properties Available for VariantSpecification Entity
The following navigation properties are available for VariantSpecification entity in the PTC Product Platform Management domain. Use the navigation properties to retrieve the following for a variant specification:
NavigationCriteria—Navigation criteria.
ConfigurableModule—Configurable module.
OptionSet—Option set.
New Domains
The following PTC domains are added:
PTC Effectivity Management domain provides access to effectivity information of Windchill objects.
PDM domain is a conglomerate domain that combines core Windchill domains along with its dependent domains.
Retrieving Effectivities for Independent Assigned Expressions
The Effectivities navigation property retrieves the effectivities associated with the independent expressions.
Retrieving the Latest Version of an Entity
The custom query option limits the search results to retrieve only the latest version of the entity.
Retrieving Variant Specifications for Configurable Module
The function GetAllVariantSpecifications() retrieves all the variant specifications related to the configurable module.
Security Labels Supported by CADDocument Entity
The CADDocument entity supports security labels. The entity retrieves both single and multiple values for the security labels.
Support for Webhook Subscriptions
The following domains support subscription to events using the PTC Event Management domain:
PTC CAD Document Management domain
PTC Service Information Management domain
PTC Parts List Management domain
PTC Dynamic Document Management domain
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