Novità > Windchill REST Services > Archivi > Release Notes > Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 1.5
Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 1.5
Changes in Windchill REST Services 1.5 are described in this section.
API Catalog for Windchill REST Services Endpoints
The Windchill REST Services release includes an API catalog, which is a developer document. The catalog is a webpage that is accessible from the Windchill user interface. The catalog is the Swagger specification of the endpoints available in Windchill REST Services. You can also interactively execute the HTTP operations on the endpoint URLs. The endpoints and operations are listed for every version of the domain.
The catalog can be extended. Any custom domains that you add can be enabled in the catalog.
Changes in Annotation
The changes in annotation follow:
A new annotation PTC.SecurityLabel is available. It is applied to entity properties that are security labels in Windchill.
The PTC.UpdateableViaAction annotation is applied to bindings of navigation properties that cannot be updated using the PATCH operation. You can update the navigation property using the UpdateCommonProperties action.
Creator and Modifier Navigation Properties
Creator and Modifier navigation properties are available for all the Windchill entities which support creator and modifier attributes. They contain all the information about the user who created or modified the entity.
Enhancements in the GetStructure Action
The enhancements in the GetStructure action are:
Support for navigation criteria—The function supports navigation criteria as the filter criteria to return the CAD structure. You can specify the navigation criteria or the ID of the navigation criteria in the request payload.
Support for Visualization URLs—The function returns PVTreeId and PVParentTreeId URLs which contain the occurrence paths to the components. These URLs can be used to work with the Visualization tree.
Enhancements in the PTC Change Management Domain
The enhancements in PTC Change Management domain follow:
Navigation properties ChangeAdministratorI, ChangeAdministratorII, and VarianceOwners are supported. These navigation properties contain details about change administrator I, change administrator II, and variance owners.
The OrganizationID attribute is not supported.
Enhancements in the PTC Product Management Domain
Clients can access assigned expressions and expression aliases. Assigned expressions are accessible from Part, PartUse, and UsageOccurrence entities. The expressions are assigned to these entities. Use the GetAssignedExpression() function and GetAssignedExpressions action to retrieve assigned expression from single and multiple objects respectively. Both dependent and independent expression modes are supported. Basic and advanced types of expressions are supported.
Modify the Organization for Parts and Documents Using the UpdateCommonProperties Action
The UpdateCommonProperties action is updated to enable you to modify the organization associated with parts and documents. The Organization navigation property is annotated with PTC.UpdateableViaAction to indicate that this property can be updated using only an action.
Navigation Property AllPrimaryContents Available for CADDocument Entity
A new navigation AllPrimaryContents is added in the CADDocument entity in the PTC CAD Document Management domain. Use the navigation to get the details of the primary content associated with the CAD Document.
The navigation PrimaryContent is not supported for CADDocument entity.
Navigation Properties Available in the BOP Entity
The following navigation properties are available in the BOP entity. The GetBOP action can retrieve all the information related to operations and their object in one call.
Navigation Property to Support Alias Expression
A new navigation, OptionPoolAliases, is added to the ProductContainer and LibraryContainer entities in the PTC Data Administration domain. Use the navigation to get the expression aliases that are part of the option pool in the product and library containers.
New Domains
The following PTC domains are added:
PTC Regulatory Master domain provides access to regulatory submission capabilities of Windchill.
PTC Workflow domain provides access to workflow capabilities of Windchill.
Retrieving the Bill of Process (BOP) Using Navigation Criteria
The GetBOPWithInlineNavCriteria() action returns the bill of process (BOP) for the process plan structure for the specified navigation criteria. The action is added in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain.
Retrieving the Consumed Objects of an Operation Using Navigation Criteria
The GetConsumedWithInlineNavCriteria() action returns the object associated to a consuming operation for the specified navigation criteria. The action is added in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain.
Retrieving the Windchill Metadata
The GetWindchillMetaInfo function is added in the PTC Common domain. The function is available in all the domains that import the PTC Common domain. The function retrieves the Windchill metadata for OData entity types and properties that are available in the domain from which the function is called. The function returns internal names and localized display names for Windchill types and properties.
securityLabeled Capability Added to the inherits Property
A new capability securityLabeled is available in the inherits property. You must inherit this capability to show the security labels of the entity. The security labels appear as properties of the entity. In the metadata, the properties representing a security label are annotated with PTC.SecurityLabel and PTC.ReadOnly.
Support for $count Query Parameter
$count is supported as a query parameter. When $count is specified in the URL as a query parameter, it returns the count of items in the collection being requested. Other uses of $count are not supported.
Support for Using Some Navigation Properties in the $filter and $orderby Expressions
You can specify some navigation properties while forming $filter and $orderby expressions.
Use the following navigation properties to filter or sort items in entity sets. Each property is followed by entity sets for which it is supported.
Context—Change objects, parts, and documents
Organization—Change objects, parts, and documents
Folder—Parts and documents
Attachments—Change objects and documents
AffectedObjects—Change objects
AffectedLinks—Change objects
The configuration property, traversal, is added in the navigations section of the <Entity JSON> file. This property specifies a traversal string for navigating between two entities.
Support for Configuration Specifications for CAD Documents
The PTC Navigation Criteria domain supports the following configuration specifications for CAD documents:
Support for subtypeable and softattributable Capabilities in the PTC Regulatory Master Domain
The PTC Regulatory Master domain supports the subtypeable and softattributable capabilities of Windchill for the RegulatorySubmission entity.
Support for Webhook Subscriptions
Subscription to events using the PTC Event Management domain is supported for the following domains:
PTC Data Administration domain
PTC Change Management domain
PTC NC (Nonconformance) domain
PTC CAPA domain
PTC Customer Experience Management (CEM) domain
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