Info*Engine Task
Windchill ESI services provide the task <WT_HOME>/tasks/com/ptc/windchill/esi/jca/erpInfo/QueryERP4Part.xml to communicate with the EAI software components. The EAI software components host the web service over HTTP and provide ERP Part Information. The above task uses the Call- SOAPService webject for the invocation of this web service. See the Info*Engine User's Guide for more information about the Call-SOAPService webject.
Required Parameters:
Parameter: number
Description: The part number for which information needs to be retrieved from ERP.
Parameter: targetSystems
Description: Comma separated string of values of the system attribute associated with the distribution targets that are queried for part information.
Parameter: targetNames
Description: Comma separated string of values of the name attribute associated with the distribution targets that are queried for part information.
Parameter: WSDL_URL
Description: The web service definition URL of the web service hosted by the EAI software components.
Description: The web service method or operation to be used to retrieve the ERP information.
Description: XSL used to process the input for the web-service. The XSL converts the input Info*Engine group to an XML message, as required by the web service method specified in the ‘SOAP_OPERATION’ parameter.
Default: WT_HOME>/tasks/com/ptc/windchill/esi/jca/erpInfo/ QueryERP4PartRequest.xsl
Description: XSL used to process the output from the web-service. The XSL converts the XML message returned by the web service method specified in the ‘SOAP_OPERATION’ parameter to an Info*Engine group.
Default: WT_HOME>/tasks/com/ptc/windchill/esi/jca/erpInfo/QueryERP4PartResponse.xsl
Optional Parameters:
Parameter: TRANSPORT
Description: Specifies whether the web service transport would use http or https.
The value of this parameter is used to find out the web service port that should be used as the default port for the ERP Part Information functionality.
Parameter: GROUP_IN
Description: Name of the input Info*Engine group that holds the IeCollection object representing the ESI response message, the primary business object and the distribution target that the data is being exported to. These are held in Att objects named CONTENT, PRIMARY_OBJECT and DISTRIBUTION_TARGET respectively. This parameter is needed only if the CONTENT parameter is not specified (for e.g., when exporting the data in PLM format).
Default value : input.
A value may optionally be specified for the parameter SOURCE_FILE – in such a case, the value specified for GROUP_IN will be ignored, but the contents of the specified file will be uploaded to the FTP location
Parameter: GROUP_OUT
Description: Name to be given to the output group. If not specified, a name of "output" will be assumed. This name should match with the ouput xsl used to process the output group that results from invoking the service.
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