Creating and Updating Owning Organization Participants
Use the Participant Administration utility to create a new organization participant or update an existing organization participant for use as an owning organization by including the following attributes on the participant:
The Organization ID attribute indicates the type and value that is specified for the globally unique organization identifier under which the organization is registered. Select the type from the drop-down list. By default, the drop-down list contains CAGE Code, DUNS Number, and ISO 6523.
The organization identifier, such as a CAGE code or DUNS number, is an internationally coded number that is assigned when the organization registers with a specific site. For site registration information, see the Registration Authority.
If the drop-down list does not contain the type required, you can specify a new list by adding the property to the file. The property value is a comma-separated list of coding systems, where each coding system has two parts in the following format:
<ICD_number>/<coding_system name>
<ICD_number> is the international code designator number assigned to the coding system. For example, the CAGE ICD number is 0141. For a list of ICD numbers, see the Registration Authority.
<coding_system_name> is the name of the coding system.
If the property does not exist in the file, then the following property value is used:
0141/CAGE Code,0060/DUNS Number,0026/ISO 6523
If you add the property, be sure to include all coding systems that you want to appear in the drop-down list. For example, to include CAGE Code, DUNS Number, and GTE/OSI Network, set the property by entering the following xconfmanager command from a windchill shell:
xconfmanager -s"0141/CAGE Code,0060/DUNS Number,
0126/GTE/OSI Network" -t codebase/ -p
After restarting the method server with the above property set, the Organization ID drop-down list contains CAGE Code, DUNS Number, and GTE/OSI Network, but not ISO 6523.
Windchill does no checking to ensure that the international code designator numbers and coding system names set are valid. It is your responsibility to ensure the use of valid coding systems.
Use the xconfmanager utility to add the property. For more information, see “Using the xconfmanager Utility” in the Centre d'aide Windchill.
The Windchill Domain attribute identifies the administrative area where the organization object resides. The domain selected must have access control rules set for the WTOrganization object type so that the users who create part and documents have read access to the organization objects that you want to use as internal organizations. For information on how to set up a domain for this use, see Setting Up Domains for Use with Owning Organization Participants.
If you enter a type and value for Organization ID in an organization participant, then Windchill combines the organization ID type number and ID and stores the resulting value in the organization Identifier attribute of the organization directory entry. The format of the attribute is:
<ICD_number> is the international code designator number assigned to the organization ID type. For example, the CAGE ICD number is 0141. For a list of ICD numbers, see the Registration Authority.
<org_ID> is the organization identification number assigned when the organization was registered.
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