Windchill Properties for File Vaulting
Set the following Windchill properties, defined in the file, to configure your file vaulting environment. If you are not setting properties through a graphical user interface or in a mapping rules file, you add or edit properties with the xconfmanager utility.
For more information, see “Using the xconfmanager Utility” in the “Basic Customization” section.
Specifies the number of processing queues to share that are created and used for retrieving content. The queues dedicated to retrieving content from the remote sites and sending it to the main site are shared among all the replication sessions. Each queue retrieves one content file at a time. The default number of queues is 1. Increasing this value increases the number of the processing queues dedicated to retrieving content.
If set to true, this property disables the creation of a synchronization schedule at startup. The default setting is false, which ensures that a file synchronization schedule exists upon initial startup.
Determines whether file vault properties are included in the log upon startup. The default setting is false.
The size of the buffer for uploading files directed to a vault. The default value is 8192 (8 KB).
The size of the buffer for file vault cleanup operations. This buffer is used to read the file names of the folder from which unreferenced content files are to be removed. The default value is 10,240 file names (80 KB).
The name of the log file for mounting information. The default name is $(wt.logs.dir)\\MountInfo.log.
Determines whether revaulting is performed in the background for the objects changing their domain or life cycle state. The default setting is true.
Maximum size of the bucket to be used during revaulting processing. Increasing this parameter decreases the time revaulting takes but increases memory use on the method server. Decreasing this parameter decreases the memory use on the method server, but increases the time that it takes to complete revaulting. The default value is 1000.
Determines the frequency, in days, that unreferenced items are cleaned up. The default value is 1 day
Determines the age, in days, of unreferenced items that are subject to cleanup. The default value is 30 days.
Determines the age, in days, of unreferenced MasteredOnReplicaItems that are subject to cleanup when the sync operation is run. The default value is 30 days and the minimum value is 2 days.
Determines the age, in days, of unreferenced files that are subject to cleanup when Remove Unreferenced Files is run. The default value is 2 days.
Determines whether a single vault will be used for all content vaulting. The default setting is false. For more information, see the section Forcing Content to.Vault in Managing Revaulting.
If set to true, the property wt.fv.fvFileThreshold takes effect.
If set to false, wt.fv.fvFileThreshold has no effect.
The maximum number of files that each folder that is associated to a vault can hold. The default value is 50,000 and the minimum value is 10,000.
Files are written to a folder until the threshold is reached. At that moment, the folder becomes read-only and the next content file is vaulted to the next folder mounted to the vault.
For more information, see the section Specifying the File Threshold Value.
Sets the system to send all content to the vaults. The default setting is true. If this property is set to true, all content, regardless of whether it is domain-administered, is uploaded to a DefaultTargetForSite vault even if there is no vaulting rule.
For more information, see the section Sending Content to a Vault in Creating Vaulting Rules.
Specifies whether the system should check for an empty router queue before determining which router queue to add a new entry to. The default setting is true.
If this property is set to true, the system checks for an empty router queue and, if one is found, adds the entry to the empty router queue. If an empty router queue is not found, entries are added to the router queues in turn.
If this property is set to false, new entries are added to each router queue in turn.
Determines the read-only settings for cache vault or single main vault, based on the mount status for clustered setup.
When set to true, the cache vault or single main vault is set to read-only if all the mount statuses of the clustered nodes are INVALID.
The default setting is false. In default setting, the system checks if any mount in a clustered setup is VALID and available for check-in.
Automatically removes the read-only flag from cache vault or single main vault in a clustered setup in case of a hardware or network failure.
The default value is true. In the default setting, the auto-restore mechanism periodically checks whether a cache vault or single main vault in a cluster is writable. The auto-restore mechanism works for 1 hour from the time the vault becomes read-only.
When set to false, the cache vault or single main vault is not automatically restored by the system.
Determines the number of attempts to restore the read-only cache vault automatically. Default value is 12.
Determines the frequency in minutes to restore the read-only cache vault automatically. Default value is 5.
Determines the queue where the Auto Restore Cache Vault job will run. Default value is commonScheduleQueue.
Specifies the frequency (time in seconds) to run validation check of mount status to prevent an interruption in network access to vaults. The default value is 86400 seconds (24 hours).
In the default settings, the automated mount validation mechanism checks the mount status periodically and sends email notification to the administrator when the mount validation fails. You can set the values in the range from 3600 seconds to 86400 seconds (1 to 24 hours). If the property value is set to -1 or 0, the backend mechanism will not work, and failure email alert will not be sent to the administrator.
Specifies the size limit of the database blob storage (in MB) that is used for sending File Vault alerts. The default storage value is 2048 MB. There is no restriction on the blob size limit.
Sets the system to send all content to the vaults. The default setting is true. In default settings, all content, regardless of whether it is domain-administered, is uploaded to a DefaultTargetForSite vault even if there is no vaulting rule.
For more information, see the section Sending Content to a Vault inCreating Vaulting Rules.
Disables the secure upload of content files when it is set to true. Security label validation is not performed on primary and secondary attachments and IBA-based Security label OIRs are not followed.
The default setting is false. In the default settings, a secure upload is enabled. In the wizards having attachments, the Set Attributes follows the Set Security Labels step. Security label validation is performed on primary and secondary attachments, and IBA-based Security label OIRs are followed.
Specifying the File Threshold Value
In the following discussion, the term ‘directory’ is equivalent to a folder in a Windows environment.
In some operating systems, the file system performance for directory access degrades significantly as the number of files in the directory grows beyond a certain threshold. Performance is affected for both reading the contents of the directory and adding files to the directory.
To ensure adequate Windchill performance in such environments, you can enforce a limit on the number of files per vault folder has been introduced. This applies to all non-DBMS Windchill storage locations for Windchill-managed application files, such as CAD files or text documents. In a new Windchill installation, the limit on application files per folder is set to a default value of 50,000 files. You can enable or disable this setting through the following property in the Windchill file for each Windchill installation:
If the limit enforcement is enabled (in other words, if wt.fv.useFvFileThreshold is set to true), then the actual file limit is set using the property:
wt.fv.fvFileThreshold=<maximum number of files per directory>
When this limit is set and a currently writable folder reaches the limit on the number of files it can hold, Windchill automatically makes that folder read-only and switches to the next available folder for file uploads.
Before increasing the value of this limit, ensure that the new value will not have an unfavorable impact on performance. You may want to review the documentation for your operating system and file system.
A folder may also be made read-only if there is no storage space left in the folder's underlying file system directory.
For performance reasons, the limit on the number of files per folder has a range of plus or minus 10% of the limit. For example, if the limit is set to 10,000, the folder becomes read-only at somewhere between 9,000 and 11,000 files.
When the Windchill limit is disabled, you should monitor the growth of the number of files in the Windchill folders. Eventually, a point is reached when it is appropriate to manually discontinue additions to a currently writable folder by making it read-only, and switch to the next available folder for further file uploads.
Creating a Notification Rule
If Windchill is unable to write to a folder from any mount point, this folder is automatically set to read-only. This occurs even if the failure is temporary, such as an interruption in network access to vaults stored on network-attached storage or storage area network location. If all folders for a vault are set read-only, the vault is also set read-only.
Therefore, it is recommended you create notification rules to alert an administrator when folders and vaults have become read-only. You can do this from the Policy Administration utility by selecting the System (Site) domain and creating a notification rule for the administrator user for the OVERFLOW event for the wt.fv.FvVault and wt.fv.FvFolder object types.
If you are notified that a vault has been set read-only, you should investigate the cause. If the mount for a folder can be validated, it is typically safe to disable the read-only setting for this folder and its corresponding vault.
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