Exporting and Importing Client Tabs
You can export client tabs from the source system and import it into the target system using any of the following methods:
Business Administrative Change Promotion utility
Windchill import/export framework
When users and contexts in the source and target systems are different, the Business Administrative Change framework supports mapping these from the source system to the target system.
Using Business Administrative Change Promotion Utility
You can export and import client tabs using the Business Administrative Change UI utility and business administrative change promotion command-line utility. For more information, see Objects Supported for Business Administrative Change Promotion, Business Administrative Change Utility, Running the Business Administrative Change Promotion Command-Line Utility.
When importing client tabs, ensure that the users and contexts in source and target systems are the same. If not, map them using the mapping mechanism in BAC. For more information, see Import Mappings and Mapping Business Administrative Change Attributes.
Using Windchill Import/Export Framework
Perform the following steps to export client tabs using a command line application:
1. From the Windchill shell, enter: java com.ptc.core.ui.ixb.ClientTabExport tabname
The required tabname parameter is the name of the tab to be exported.
For home page, it should be the string homepage.
For other tabs, it should be the name shown on the tab in the UI.
To export a tab that includes spaces in the name, double-quote the parameter: “My Custom Tab”.
2. You will be prompted for a Windchill user name and password. Enter the Site Administrator’s credentials.
3. Wildcards are added internally; the resulting query is: select * from CLIENTTAB where NAME like %tabname%;
4. The export utility reports the names of exported tabs, and the location of the .jar file it creates:
> java com.ptc.core.ui.ixb.ClientTabExport a
2011-10-14 09:55:38,377 INFO [main] com.ptc.core.ui.ixb.ClientTabExport
- Exporting tab OrgAttr
2011-10-14 09:55:38,393 INFO [main] com.ptc.core.ui.ixb.ClientTabExport
- Exporting tab my custom tab
2011-10-14 09:55:38,393 INFO [main] com.ptc.core.ui.ixb.ClientTabExport
- Exporting tab jcrpage
2011-10-14 09:55:38,393 INFO [main] com.ptc.core.ui.ixb.ClientTabExport
- Exporting tab homepage
2011-10-14 09:55:40,127 INFO [main] com.ptc.core.ui.ixb.ClientTabExport
- Exported to <WT_HOME>\Windchill\temp\IXBExpImp\1279724139377-1977404926\Export5586892419340327596.jar
Perform the following steps to import ClientTab records using the Windchill Import/Export Management utility:
1. Log in to Windchill on the target system as the Site Administrator.
2. Navigate to Site > Utilities > System Administration > Import/Export Management.
The Import/Export Management utility displays options to import and export.
3. Click Import.
The Import dialog box opens, where you can paste or browse to the path of the exported .jar file.
4. Click Import to close the dialog box.
If the container or user of an imported tab (whichever applies) is not present on the target system, that tab is not imported. A warning will be displayed.
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