Breadcrumbs Component
You can create a list of navigation bread crumbs at the top of a Windchill page.
A list of breadcrumbs is displayed at the top of many Windchill pages. These bread crumbs show the location of the page in the page hierarchy. Each crumb is a link that will take the user to the corresponding page in the hierarchy.
Example breadcrumb list:
See the package javadoc for com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.navigation.breadcrumb for information on the classes and process used to produce breadcrumbs.
This process should be applied when you want to create bread crumbs for one or more Windchill pages that do not currently have bread crumbs or you want to modify the bread crumbs displayed on a Windchill page.
Intended Outcome
Bread crumbs are displayed as desired.
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