Personnalisation avancée > Windchill ESI Customization > ERP Connector Customization > Publishing Option Sets > Publishing a Part Structure having one or more Co-produce Objects
Publishing a Part Structure having one or more Co-produce Objects
Windchill ESI services provide java classes that extract the Windchill data and generate the ESI response in XML format.
A part structure with one or more Co-produce objects may be published in any of the following modes:
Object-centric – here, either the Co-produce part itself or any of the higher level parts in the structure may be selected as the primary business object and sent to the destination by any of the available means.
CN-centric – here, either the Co-produce part or any of the higher level parts in the structure may be added to a Change Notice as a resulting object. Publishing the Change Notice causes the part structure to be published.
ProcessPlan-centric – in this mode, either the Co-produce part or any of the higher level parts in the structure may be related to a Process Plan. Publishing the Process Plan causes the part structure to be published.
The Java classes mentioned below are reusable, and in many cases, extendable by customizers. Javadoc descriptions of the supported classes are provided.
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