Customization Points
Extendable classes
Extendable Windchill ESI classes, described in the Transaction Management section of this document, must be defined in Windchill ESI preferences if they are extended. The following classes are designed to permit extensions by customizers:
Preference name: ESI Transaction Class
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.txn.ESITransaction
Preference name: ESI Transaction Object Link Class
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.txn.ESITransactionObjectLink
Preference name: Subtransaction Class
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.txn.ReleaseActivity
Preference name: ESI Transaction Release Class
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.txn.ESITransactionRelease
Preference name: Object History Builder
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIObjectHistoryBuilderImpl
Preference name: Object History Renderer
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIObjectHistoryRendererImpl
Configurable Options
Windchill ESI preferences control several configurable options for Windchill ESI Transaction Management. The options are:
If the message associated with a PostResult RPC request has a length greater than the allowable size of 4000 bytes, this preference allows the message be truncated. If the preference is set to Yes, the first 4000 bytes are saved in the database. If the preference is set to No, and a message of more than 4000 bytes is received, an exception is thrown and the RPC request is rejected.
Preference name: Truncate Message to Allowable Length
Default value: Yes
Allows Windchill ESI services to create Release Activity objects when the status of the request is a failure. This preference is provided for the convenience of customizers who want to provide their own transaction GUI. Setting the preference to No causes ERP Connector to ignore PostResult RPC requests for failed subtransactions.
Preference name: Log Failed Subtransactions
Default value: Yes
Allows Windchill ESI services to create Release Activity objects when the status of the request is a success. This preference is provided for the convenience of customizers who want to provide their own tracking of ERP Connector publishing. Setting the preference to No causes ERP Connector to ignore PostResult RPC requests for successful subtransactions. This should only be done with extreme caution; it causes the Windchill ESI RPCs GetPart, GetBOM, GetECN, GetProcessPlan and GetResource to always decide that objects have not been previously published.
Preference name: Log Failed Subtransactions
Default value: Yes
Allows transaction nodes to be shown fully expanded while displaying release information (for example, when displaying the search results from the Enterprise Systems Transaction Administration UI). Setting the preference to Yes causes each transaction node to appear fully expanded, thereby displaying the sub- transactions within it.
Preference name: Show Transaction Nodes Fully Expanded
Default value: No
Define the types of objects that can be searched for from the Enterprise Systems Transaction Administration UI. This preference replaces the property in the file.
Preference name: Object Types Searchable from the Enterprise Systems Transaction Administration UI
Default value: com.ptc.windchill.esi.txn.ESITransaction,
/com.ptc.windchill.esi.tgt.ESITarget, /wt.part.WTPart,
/wt.change2.WTChangeOrder2, /wt.doc.WTDocument, /wt.epm.EPMDocument,
Windchill ESI property that controls configurable options for Windchill ESI Transaction Warning Notification is as follow:
Allows configuration of delegate for sending notification for transactions.Delegate can be configured for a destinationID of set of ESITarget. Customizer can extend this delegate to send notification specific to a destination as required.
Service Property name: com.ptc.windchill.esi.delegate.TransactionWarningDelegate
Default values of attributes of the <Option> element:
selector=sendWarningDelegate (Default Selector can be DestinationIDfor distribution target)
ERP Connector provides the following options for the delegate:
com.ptc.windchill.esi.delegate.TransactionWarningEmailDelegate – To notify the transaction creator the warning messages sent for the publication during ESITrnasaction via email.
com.ptc.windchill.esi.delegate.TransactionWarningNoOpDelegate - To ignore the warning messages sent for the publication during ESITrnasaction.
User can author custom xconf file to update delegate Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configuration SYSTEM "xconf.dtd">
<Configuration targetFile="codebase/">
<!-- Delegate for Warning Email -->
<Service context="default" name="com.ptc.windchill.esi.delegate.TransactionWarningDelegate">
<Option cardinality="singleton" requestor="java.lang.Object" selector="sendWarningDelegate" serviceClass="com.ptc.windchill.esi.delegate.TransactionWarningNoOpDelegate"/>
The following command propagates the changes specified in the file to the file <Windchill>/codebase/
xconfmanager –i
codebase/com/ptc/windchill/esi/examples/ –p
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